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Everything posted by IainB

  1. I don't know there are any such things as assets in speedway these days unless you're referring to the tractor equipment and air fence There were a group of asian muslims at the Brumb vs Leicester match, which was refreshing to see. If Birmingham and Leicester could tap into the Asian populations in their cities all their problems would be over. Imagine if their was an Asian rider for them to follow! I've seen a couple of Asian lads at Leicester but considering the ethnic population is the majority that's a pretty poor turnout. Birmingham's promotional activities seem to be aimed at kids or fans of Cradley or Coventry. I'm not sure what Leicester's promotional activities are... as far as I've seen it's nothing!
  2. Connor Coles the Lion Cub looking to progress into the senior team who will already be there to ride in the 2nd half of a double header to save costs?
  3. Because it's not their property... it's like you coming round my house and putting cameras up... I know you like to follow me but I'd draw the line at that
  4. Chrome/Edge with add block plus extension = zero adds
  5. Where's you nearest airport? Get yourself over to Czestochowa v Torun on Sunday, could be there and back for the price of a trip to Leicester! I've always wondered what the benefit of top notch equipment is to riders. Personally I would have thought a rider would get a better performance increase by becoming a better rider rather than riding better bikes. It's a bit like the question always asked in F1, is it the car or is it the driver? How much percentage would you attribute to rider and bike? On a neutral track how many times out of 10 would, for example, Joe Thompson on a rocket ship beat Tai Woffinden on a donkey? The Peter Craven Memorial meeting at BV in March attracted a near sell out crowd on a Monday night with a pretty attractive line up, the racing was generally not great. Last years meeting was held on a Saturday night in October with an average line-up had some brilliant racing and wasn't more than half full... I'm not sure what tells us? Maybe it was the chance to see some riders that we don't normally get to see? The rider pool in the UK at the moment is so small I half expect to bump into Chris Harris on the tills in the local supermarket! Back in the day, you'd most likely get 1 chance to see Ivan Mauger ride at your track in the season and if you missed it, that was it, you'd have to travel or wait until next season.
  6. At Leicester they definitely would, the promotion seem to want to put minimum effort in for minimum reward
  7. These days, less is often more, the success of T20 cricket shows this and then they went even lesser with The 100, even Golf is at it now with a 54 hole tournament with all the players teeing off at the same time... where as Speedway seem to want to artificially extend a meeting to beyond 2 hours by using tractor racing as a distraction as they think that punters will feel short changed if they've not had 2 hours "entertainment"
  8. Never seen Drew do any good anywhere... but you're right he did impress, at last, at Leicester earlier in the season
  9. They could do with a stream on the track! Was like this last week against Leicester... boring
  10. No issues for me either, ever. I've only got a 50mb Virgin Media connection
  11. It's probably been posted elsewhere but there's some Swedish Speedway on Freesports at the moment, repeated at 4am tomorrow morning. Danish speedway 6pm Wed 8/6, maybe repeated 9/6 01:30 am Swedish speedway 14/06 6pm
  12. You only have to look at what happened at Wolves last night to know it was exactly the correct decision
  13. There's at least one on here that defo would... each to their own
  14. I was browsing through AliExpress and thought I'd type in the words Speedway t shirts and amazingly it came up with some interesting designs I've never seen before. I've bought from Ali before and the sizes can be a bit hit and miss as generally the clothing is designed for the smaller Chinese person, so order big if you do. speedway t shirts - Buy speedway t shirts with free shipping on AliExpress Who knew Les Collins was bit in China?
  15. The scoring system is a mess at the moment, it's neither one thing or another. The top 4 get awarded points based on their finishing position in the GP (the final), the 2 losing semi finalists, well I'm not quite sure how they get awarded their points R&R will know and then the bottom 8 get their points awarded based on their race points... it's a right bugger's muddle! It's not comparable with other motor sports as their competitors race against all of their opponents in one continuous race... now there's an idea, a 70 lap Speedway race!
  16. I like your updated profile pic... you do have a sense of humour after all
  17. Surely you have to promote from the Cubs team, or what's the point in having a Cubs team? How else is Connor Coles going to progress? He'll be due a testimonial soon!
  18. Sorts the men out from the boys though, there were a few who went missing last night, who would normally excel on a smooth slick track, we are trying to find out who the best rider in the world is after all. Bartek had the right idea, he clearly didn't fancy it, backing out of a few moves, doing just enough to get to the final and then Bam! Clear at the top of the Championship... be interesting to know who advised Tai that gate Blue was a good pick in the semi, that may prove to be a very costly decision. Nice to hear Kelvin Tatum use the Nigel Pearson catchphrase "Right place, Right time" a couple of times last night
  19. I'm not quite sure why we expect so much from Janowski? He's not even in the reckoning for the title of being the best rider to never win a world title.
  20. I, of course, reserve the right to change my mind If you ask nicely I may come back
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