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Everything posted by IainB

  1. If it was down to me I'd make every rider do a victory lap after winning a race, it beats watching the tractor go around the track. It also amazes me how many people in the crowd don't applaud a rider when they do come round on a victory lap... they're often too busy filling their programmes in!
  2. I do wish Scott Nicholls would do a victory lap once in a while when he wins a race!
  3. Cheetahs look quite a tidy side now with Spud in the team
  4. Camera person on turn 4 has been on the Tennents all afternoon me thinks
  5. Be interesting to see a replay from the camera on the line to the finish of heat 3
  6. Does the stream come with subtitles? I've tapped in 888 but there's nothing doing... should i run it through Google translate?
  7. 3 memories of Elfield Park: 1) The Dust 2) The land fill poking through the surface of the car park 3) The racing was quite entertaining
  8. Best racing seen on television this year... from Leicester
  9. Perhaps the RS's could be used in a similar KO tournament to be run alongside the senior pairs on the same night, interspersed between the races... Similar to the 4's, when they had reserve races after every 4 heats but their points didn't count. maybe 6 rider handicap races with start positions based on the senior teams points after every 3 races. And the winning RS gains points to be added to the main points of the senior pair
  10. Every obscure rider I've searched for has been there so far... I'm going to try and catch you out though Good Work
  11. Just go on the averages, pull out the highest averaged rider, surely you've got to give them half a chance
  12. Maybe the teams should be made to track their RS in the first heats, tracks at its best, everybody's first ride
  13. Stumbled across this website: https://wwosbackup.proboards.com/ The detail is absolutely mind boggling! Must be a labour of love for somebody
  14. Pickering has been having a good go... not quite enough to make a pass though
  15. Looks like the bang on the head did Andersen some good! Classic Hans there
  16. Ref is Wayne(ker) Jarvis... never heard of him. There's a lot of new refs around these days
  17. Ando clearly had his leg taken from him there... who's the ref? He needs a BSN+ Subscription
  18. I think you have to wait until it's finished before being able to demand it
  19. Did I hear correctly the other night on the FreeSports Swedish coverage that Adam Ellis has been binned off by his Swedish team... Perhaps Brummies may be interested in re-signing him again if that is the case
  20. I thought at the time by the details that were given that there would probably be an inquest... like you say, tragic
  21. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/16140088/dad-dies-slipping-paddle-board-freak-accident/
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