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Everything posted by IainB

  1. Why not do it before you go? Much more entertaining and then compare to what actually happens, in fact that could be a good competition on the night... winner wins a prize! Maybe the privilege of watching a race from the centre green... it's a totally different experience we're told
  2. I think all the ingredients are there from various tracks around the country they just need to take the best bits from each and put them together. Leicester starts great with a pretty good rider parade similar to Belle Vue's (which imo is the best) but then send the tractors out for the rest of the night Peterborough do a pretty good job these days tbh, the rider parade ain't so great but Craig Saul does a very good job bringing rider interviews throughout the evening and usually it's all done and dusted (not that dusty) in 90 minutes. I don't really get around to enough of the other tracks these days (most of the ones I used to go to have closed) but those that I have been to, Scunthorpe: Like a wake at a funeral, Birmingham: nothing to write home about
  3. The way Dan swept passed him tonight when they met, you wonder whether he also collected the baton from him
  4. Poor old Tragic Janowski, same old, same old. You can't help but think he's maybe stuck in a rut, it's the same story EVERY season, maybe he needs to do something radical... and this is going to sound daft... but quit Poland?
  5. Wasn't a classic tonight, but you can only ride against what is put in front of you. Track coming in for some comments again, seemed to take an eternity to run. Only Sedgmen and Brennan provided any real resistance... what on earth Stefan Nielsen was doing in the last race goodness only knows, he'd struggled to do 4 laps at full speed for most of his races!
  6. I've paid by card before... but they charged me extra, which I believe is illegal... or maybe it was fine I'm a mile and a half from the track and we've just had the lightest of light sprinkles... just had a look at the radar and it looks set fair for the rest of the evening
  7. Nice one Tai first word he says when a microphone is put under his nose is F**k... the guy's in his 30's now, when is he going to grow up?
  8. probably waiting for the person that does "the numbers" to come back from their summer holidays
  9. Now this maybe divisive, but... If it was down to me I'd ban programmes! They kill what little atmosphere there is at Speedway, how many times do you see somebody near you, head down as soon as the race is finished filling their programme in while the winning rider is making a (sometimes rare) lap of honour, the programme filler completely oblivious to the fact that the race winner is in front of them coming round for some glory! Sometimes you even see people filling their programmes in before a race is finished... in time to do what I really don't know, maybe to give the rider a clap and a cheer. I used to be an avid programme buyer and filler inner, never used to read the content but just had one for the race card, then as technology progressed I moved on to printing my own race card, then finally a number of years back I did away with filling in a race card altogether and now just use a combination of Speedway Updates and listening to the PA system. If I were to allow programmes to stay (for revenue reasons) I'd call them matchday magazines, keep the existing content and not provide a race card, encourage a bit of interaction with the meeting presenters... which also needs an overhaul, in my opinion the meeting presenters, and there should be more than one of them, should be discussing the meeting in between races, similar to a television broadcast and not a single presenter having a one way conversation with himself, wishing Betty a happy 103rd birthday or asking a young kid who their favourite rider is.
  10. Cook & Basso named in the team on Twitter... this means nothing though
  11. The rumours about Anders Rowe were rife long before the 8th of June, the Lions had ample opportunity to "promote from within", if Connor Coles is a club asset, not sure if he is. There was no Cubs team before the Thompson Twins and you have to wonder whether there'll be one after the Thompson Twins. The Cubs team is either a feeder for the senior team or a Development league for the benefit of the sport, as it's badged as Lions Cubs and are often run as part of a double header with the senior team that suggests it's a feeder club, you can't have it both ways. Don't get me wrong I am 100% for the development of "young" riders (does Connor Coles fit the bill?), personally I think it should be mandatory for all clubs to run a junior team as a 6 or 7 race 2nd half event, giving many riders a chance to ride many different tracks around the country. I always used to quite enjoy watching the youngsters after the main meeting at Coventry with Andy Hackett, David Clarke, Darren Slater, Mick (Mike?) Bacon & Wayne Broadhurst all progressing to the main team reserve berth during their careers.
  12. Jason Edwards guesting (again) instead of promoting from within, keep up
  13. The junior match was cancelled at Peterborough the other night because the main match ran beyond the curfew, all those young lads travelled from god knows where... for nothing
  14. That will be a tough choice for young Max Perry then, Peterborough mascot but a Lion Cub, the decision might be made for him by the time he hits 16 anyway with the latest news about the Showground
  15. Is Max Perry the lad from Peterborough? A Peterborough asset? Not sure who Max James is signed to? Maybe Leicester? I don't know why we're developing other teams riders
  16. Leicester binned Rowe off (or was it the other way around) on June the 2nd, Scunny signed Connor Coles on June the 8th, so it is a slap in the face for Connor Coles and the people that turn up to watch the Cubs under the misapprehension that it's a feeder system for the senior team. There was no Cubs team before the Thompson Twins and you begin to wonder if there'll be a Cubs after the Thompson Twins, they can't ride in that team forever (can they?)
  17. I've often come away from the Speedway looking like an Indian when they've not put enough water on the track!
  18. This must be a record early team declaration! LEICESTER 1. Nick Morris 8.65 2. Connor Mountain 5.28 3. Richie Worrall 8.47 4. Joe Thompson 4.69 5. Kyle Howarth (c) 7.84 6. Jason Edwards (g) 3.95 7. Dan Thompson 4.38 TM Stewart Dickson BIRMINGHAM 1. Claus Vissing 7.61 2. Stefan Nielsen 4.63 3. Justin Sedgmen 6.51 4. Ashley Morris (c) 5.09 5. Tom Brennan (g) 7.35 6. James Shanes 4.43 7. James Pearson 4.00 TM Laurence Rogers Should be closer than the KoC tie
  19. Basso said after the match, was just racing (British Speedway Podcast)
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