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Everything posted by IainB

  1. In a word.... Television. Speedway has always danced to the tune of Television and while they were getting the big bucks from sky you could argue the case that was the right thing to do. But now we're working with these amateurs from Eurosport you could think it's doing more harm than good
  2. I don't think that was the case, as far as I know it's the home governing body that makes the decision as regards a GP wild card and for the FIM to accept or reject it. That's the way it works for GP's in other countries, that's why you get the likes of Nick Skorja included when the GP's are held in the back of beyond... the UK in the past chose an Australian for a wild card spot, how forward thinking was that?
  3. How many times were they in and out of that media room? Can somebody clip it up and put it to the Benny Hill music?
  4. I don't blame them for maximising their earnings... but they could go and get another job like millions of others have to do when they have their careers ended through redundancy etc. Why should they be any different to the rest of us?
  5. I called this before the start, Ellis to Cardiff and British Championship rerun in October. It's the common sense decision and hopefully it won't be on Eurosport and will be on a Saturday night so I'll be more inclined to actually attend. What is unacceptable though is the inability of anybody to make a decision that I reached half an hour before the start. Again the fans are at the very bottom of anybody's concerns. Which is pretty much par for the course with the current and every other regime. Eurosport running their show as if no rain was forecast at all, despite everybody saying rain is forecast didn't help things either
  6. Should have held it at Odsal under the superdome roof
  7. Adam Ellis in his Doug Wyer tribute race suit! I do like a tassle
  8. Surprised they didn't cancel it based on the forecast
  9. looking at the rainfall radar they'll be lucky to start let alone finish!
  10. Do you know what the attendances/capacities are for the other GP venues?
  11. There should be equivalent tickets available, I'm not saying there are, but if that's not the case they need naming and shaming and the authorities need notifying
  12. My ticket was £22 and I get the SGP2 on Sunday also! How much VFM do you want?!?
  13. We do like our tractors at Leicester, we even got to see it after heat 2 last night and a heat earlier than normal for an extended interval
  14. A common denominator with all of those you mention is Heritage/Ethnicity... I don't think it's any coincidence that Tai gets the same
  15. For Billund see any airport on mainland Northern Europe or private plane from England to France/Germany
  16. Absolutely it can if you can watch it out of the context of it being meaningful to anything other than just Speedway racing, making your match on Friday an "official" fixture just devalues the competition completely
  17. It was just your average run of the mill meeting Lisa, which seems to be far too rare an occurrence these days, nothing to comment on like a team of guests etc.
  18. In slightly related news, I'm not technically minded at all... but did anybody else notice the "gizmo" attached to Max Fricke's machine? You could see it in the gap in the engine cover, a box with some red lights on it with what looked like a data cable plugged into the top. Not everybody had one... what was it? And do any other riders have one?
  19. I'm pretty sure Team GB have a seamstress on the payroll... besides he would have fitted right in with the rest of the crew with their ill fitting uniforms
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