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Everything posted by IainB

  1. Haven't the wild cards been named the day after the last GP in the last few years? I'm assuming there's some issue as regards riders accepting them this year
  2. Well, that's the first season of the "new era" under Discovery Sports Events... and I'm far from impressed. They seem to have taken the sport back about 20 years! They've lost most of their major sponsors, crowds appear to be amongst the lowest we've ever seen for a GP series, some badly prepared tracks, they've almost killed Cardiff, the racing has generally been, I'll be polite, forgettable, series wrapped up before the final GP, incomprehensible scoring system, no Aussie GP and Russian GP (understandable), neither were replaced in the calendar. Terrible TV coverage often missing the racing when there was some, inaccurate and random captions, horrible noise over EVERY replay. Still the pits look nice and some people have said they've enjoyed the post meeting fireworks!
  3. Difficult to work out with different points systems and 2007 having 11 GP's compared to this seasons 10 but going on actual race points averages per meeting, it reads as follows: 1st NP 16.27 3rd JC 11 1st BZ 12.2 3rd MJ 8.9 Shows, like you said, what a dominant season NP had in 2007!
  4. Ah... double points for the final, what would the gap have been without double points? I'll have a look tomorrow
  5. Crumpy wasn't too shabby was he? There's been 4 GP's in Poland for Magic this year. Janowski 2 podiums Crump 3 podiums And wasn't 2007 the KO system?
  6. I was primarily watching to see who was going to finish 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th and had no idea who had finished 3rd to 6th until well after the final had finished... like many others That's the whole point of a GP series. May as well go back to a one off world final!
  7. I agree with everything you say, like Woffy i think he's in a massive comfort zone. 60 points off the leader for a world number 3, that must be a record
  8. How Janowski is world number 3 is beyond me... are they sure they've got that right? He's gone missing for most of the season! 60 points off the leader, is that the biggest gap ever for a world number 3? Woffy wild card for next season? Not for me for his own good, but he's nailed on to get one
  9. "Provisional", "I think"... sounds like even you were struggling tonight. This stupid scoring system has been shown up for what it is last night and tonight with nobody knowing what the final results for the season were until the captions came up at the end of the night. Made watching it a bit of a waste of time imo
  10. I'd like to say that bingo card is out of the top draw... but you've clearly missed one catchphrase out!
  11. let me know when you start watching it and I'll tie in with you Perhaps they'll delay the meeting... I'm pretty sure they check in on here before correcting their captions
  12. Well I hope R&R has had a good night's sleep as he's going to need to be at his best tonight to keep us all informed who needs to do what and when in order to finish with what medal or in the top 6. Last night we had the laughable situation where you could hear the commentators counting on their fingers and toes trying to work out the finishing positions and then give up and just wait for the caption to appear... which has been known to be wrong in the past. In R&R we trust!
  13. I think the "bikes" on Whirly Wheelers were actually bicycle's weren't they? I took the magnets out that were under the bikes and blu-tacked them to those little riders with bikes you could buy from the track shops to make it Speedway
  14. Well done to the Polish kid! Terrible, terrible, terrible camera work throughout and the incomprehensible scoring system really came home to roost tonight with Kelvin and Chris audibly doing the maths over the mic at the end... totally ridiculous! (Yes I'm sure you knew exactly what was going on R&R with your super computer!) No doubt more of the same tomorrow night.
  15. What on earth is Klima using as a dirt deflector? It looks like a biscuit tin lid on a stick!
  16. Yet another play off non event rendering the 2nd leg almost meaningless. Time to rest the play offs for a while i think
  17. I don't think it helps having a giant red glowing clock next to the starting gate and it going off just after the start of a race. When Roland Tungate stopped it was at the same time as the red clock lights going off
  18. Have you never played Whirly Wheelers?
  19. Ditto that with a Captain... I'm not sure Tom Brennan is captain material (yet)
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