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Everything posted by IainB

  1. Haha! So it would... my real point is Poole need to engineer it to be level going into heat 3. It's the only morally right thing to do to make the best of a bad situation. It'd be great sportsmanship. I think Leicester would do the same if the roles were reversed
  2. To not field riders in the first 2 races... it's absolutely up to Poole. I can almost see a Hollywood film being made about it!
  3. But Poole have it in their power to make things right. A gesture like that would go a long way to repairing the damage done to the sport
  4. No, not pity, just fairness. If/when you win this it'll be as meaningful as Max Verstappen's F1 title in 2021
  5. And that's exactly the reason why nobody likes Poole! It's the only way to have anything positive come out of this whole sorry situation
  6. Perhaps Poole will do the right thing and not send any riders out for the first 2 heats... excuse me I've got to go a pig has just landed on my roof!
  7. I suspect you're right, not for the reasons you've given though. They have no problem in putting teams out full of guests and R/R you only have to look at the comedy team put out by Mildenhall in the 2nd match of this double header and the team Birmingham sent down to Poole to serve you up 3 points on a plate. The rider availability for this match must be the best it's been all season! Like I've said before we'll probably never know the real reasons, it certainly wasn't for the fans, the media ain't interested, BSN don't have the clout, so your guess is as good as mine
  8. That's their big scoop is it? Nice of the BSPL to release that news behind a pay wall! Unbelievable!
  9. As "The circuit has been brought back into shape after extensive damage caused by extreme weather in recent weeks, and our thanks go out to all involved." was posted on the Leicester website on Monday you can only assume that it was right on Monday but the weather since has made Friday at Leicester not do-able, somebody seems to have imposed a Friday deadline for finishing the tie... I wonder who?
  10. Why not just wait until it's able to be held at Leicester? There was still credibility in it being held at Leicester, no matter how long it took. It's probably against the rules to hold the 2nd leg at KL. The rules state "Play off meeting will be determined by aggregate heat points scored in the home and away meetings", home for Leicester certainly isn't KL! This will be a good get out for Poole if you lose... see you in court
  11. Which makes it all the more of a baffling decision to switch to KL imo
  12. This is normal weather for October, you've proved that by looking back through history to see that it's nothing new. Leicester can stage their home leg of the pay off final, they have elected not to or been instructed not to, which it is we will probably never know
  13. Now, Chris Louis we could probably agree on. From what I have heard from him he speaks a lot of sense and has the experience of being a very successful rider.
  14. On the face of it, yes. Depends if you're interested in NDL though and watching a Final & Mildenhall team in name only. It's not for me I'm afraid
  15. This new young promoter will have a lot of work on his hands trying to lift the sport back up from the depths that his old man helped drag it down to. And the others? The Bates? Really? The couple that have made a mockery of the Pairs and destroyed the credibility and integrity of the 2nd division and Jubilee Trophy and moved the final to a different venue with not 1 thought for ANY of the fans! The last time a promoter with new ideas came into the sport he was hounded out by the establishment... Mr Sandhu!
  16. They could reduce the admission as a gesture of goodwill... but it's beyond that for me, it's about credibility and sporting integrity, both of which have been shattered. They'll point to the fact that they've already held the prices as it's a double header "Grand" final... have you seen the so called Mildenhall team they're putting together? It's beyond a joke!
  17. Not only have they not laid free coaches on... they've not even laid coaches on that the fans can pay for! A total disgrace! If this were football the fans would be outside the stadium chanting "sack the board"
  18. And in different leagues! Is that official... I've not seen it mentioned at all in weeks
  19. I thought I may have calmed down a bit overnight... no! This is a total disgrace and so disrespectful to both sets of fans! Fans, who like you say, have been following their team all year long, bought into the competition (literally), encouraged to go along and support their team make the pay offs, support them in the pay offs and then Boom! we've moved the deciding final leg to a track that a lot of fans won't be able to get to... on a Friday night! And just to put the cherry on top of the icing on the cake nobody has had the balls to front up and make any comment on it from Leicester or the BSPL, just some bland statement on the Leicester website about it being "a difficult but necessary decision", that's it, no explanation as to why it was necessary? If you've run past the end of the season the damage has already been done! There will be a great many fans from both sides that won't be able to attend this and some, like myself, who will choose not to, so what was the point in moving it?!? What was the point in the whole season? On top of all that, I've not even started on the Jubilee Trophy!
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