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Everything posted by IainB

  1. In my experience heat 1 is often one of the poorest of the night unless you're excited by potential track records
  2. It'd be interesting to know who is assembling the team, SD or the Bates?
  3. Bomber seems to be a master of the dive bomb down the home straight into turn 1... doesn't really matter how he goes at Beaumont Park though as we'll be racing our matches at King's Lynn next season, seeing as though it is our "home" track... and Bomber loves Lynn
  4. Should have moved up to the PL, after all you did "win" the league title
  5. I think it's fair to say that there is not a rider shortage... but there are a shortage of riders that want to ride in Britain. If there weren't there wouldn't be uncontrolled doubling up. If riders do want to ride in Britain but promoters are choosing to go down the doubling up route instead then that is a recipe for disaster
  6. I think "offensive" words are handled automatically by a banned words list, probably administered by the forum platform owners. If you're referring to "ladies of the night" it brings a whole new meaning to the "rider of the night" award
  7. It's still a very peculiar shape... but the track prep has come on leaps and bounds this season! I also think the more experienced the rider the better they perform, especially around Leicester and what with the CL and PL being basically the same last season that has also had an effect.
  8. He's one of the few that could make a pass on the old Leicester track... prepare to be entertained on this new Leicester track!
  9. Bomber announced as Fricke is leaked by Poland... brilliant
  10. If I have got naming rights I'm calling it the Anyone But Poole Arena, thanks
  11. Looks like Poland had taken over the press duties for British Speedway! How good of them
  12. Apologies, I misheard the BSPL podcast where it actually said they may also be known as Northside... I misheard that they "will" be known as Northside. I thought it was strange!
  13. The decision to only go with 1 home 1 away is only going to increase DUing. If they were ever going to try and reduce DUing, which they need to, 6 man teams in PL and 2h2a in the CL was the way to start imo
  14. It's poorly worded... but IF they were to go to 6 man teams inc a RS (which I probably think they should) it would have been announced with great fanfare!
  15. That's a great CL team you've put together there... you know we're moving up to the PL in 23 don't you
  16. Brilliant news that there's going to be a new track in 2023 and very well done to all involved, but... I understand they're to be called Northside? So what, doesn't mean anything to anybody (could say the same about Belle Vue! Although that does have a rich history). I'm assuming for some reason they couldn't use the name Workington, so surely Cumbria Comets was the next logical name.
  17. But the league programme for most clubs were done by mid-end of August. It then took over 2 months to complete 5 pay off ties
  18. Sounds like the tail is wagging the dog... but that's a consequence of the league(s) being so weak. Maybe the pay offs should have been that the 3 clubs that were objecting to 2 home and away should have dropped out (doing a Glasgow ) after the first round of home and away matches... anything does seem to go these days after all.
  19. If they were feeling bold they could have added the points scored from this into the league... like F1 have with the sprints, to have actually given the competition some meaning
  20. It was obvious to anybody with a hole in their derriere that 2 home and away was never going to work when they can't complete 1 home and away and whoever suggested this and then went on to make it public really has no place to be in any position of running Speedway in Britain! And the 2 mini league play offs further devalue a league championship that already isn't really worth winning! As for the rest... business as usual
  21. You love it... you know you do!
  22. Back in the slammer https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/dalarna/antonio-lindback-doms-till-fangelse-efter-rattfylla-stoppades-med-1-82-promille-i-blodet
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