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Everything posted by IainB

  1. I understand why they do it, liquidising their assets, just has a finality about it. I'm guessing Leicester were keen to get on with their "improvements"
  2. Just speaking how he comes across to me. Don't want negativity from your Captain
  3. Not sure you can quantify it in points on an average, but there's no doubt he's worth points in the pits, especially when the chips are down. Still the only rider to Captain the Lions to a league title... I'd too have him back in a heartbeat, it seems a no brainer to me
  4. Not sure what you mean by these days? I think they should be as they always have been, Inspirational, set an example to the other riders in the team, be available for advice, be a link between the riders and management etc.
  5. It's baffling that he's decided to sit the PL out... for how long who knows. I would have thought that having Leicester as a home track would have suited him down to the ground
  6. Well I suppose if Pete Adams selected him that's quite an endorsement
  7. Not sure he's captain material... seems a bit moany whenever he's interviewed, I suppose the obvious choice is Bomber but, much as I love him, he's a bit of a mercenary these days. There's no other obvious choice really
  8. Our Captain has signed for Sheffield... no surprise there really, I wonder who will get the armband now?
  9. The only "bargain" averages are those riders that started their careers here and then ditched the BL and made their names and became better riders on the continent and would come back on their old averages, or maybe riders with assessed averages. Riders with poor averages because they've had a crap season are not bargains imo
  10. He did score 9 in the pay off final at Leicester though
  11. If it was about the speedway engine, which it isn't, there's absolutely no reason to go electric, just like in other motorsports, the carbon footprint of the actual race itself is barely worth registering in the grand scheme of things, the only reason other motorsports have gone/ are going electric is to attract the motor industry money... which speedway has never had to worry about. We are never going to live in a world without oil, we just need to source alternatives for the mass users to enable the rest of the planet to use oil where practicable
  12. Was that Lemo's minder entering stage right at the end? Who is he? Kept seeing him on the TV coverage
  13. Sounds like the best thing to do is hold all of the GP's in Poland then
  14. Let's get him in the GP then . Can only comment on what I've seen of him and I've not been impressed, the tracks in this country are very different to those in Poland.
  15. From what I've seen of him he's more of a number 9... I may come to "rew" those words
  16. What really affects clubs is bums on seats
  17. So what you're really saying is that there's nobody in charge, which would explain everything really. As usual with speedway the management setup is really neither one thing or another. If it was a proper limited company there would be a chief executive officer answerable to the board of directors and/or shareholders. But the board only consists of Godfrey, Louis, Ford & Bates... and as far as I know their club assets are not part of BSPL... So what exactly is BSPL?
  18. What's the point of the leader then? I don't think riders being on guarantees has affected crowds much do you?
  19. Specifically, the year on year decline of the sport in this country, probably the most tracks closing down in shortest amount of time and culminating in last season, the worst in the sports history imo all under his watch. Look, if you think he's doing a great job, that's fair enough, can you specifically point out any improvements he's made to the sport in this country?
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