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Everything posted by IainB

  1. Don't Belle Vue have form for this? Didn't something similar happen last season... there's so much shady stuff going on from various different clubs I lose track of it all
  2. I'm sure Mr Morris give a full and transparent explanation
  3. If only he had somebody he could borrow kit from, i don't know, say a brother... then he could have done that
  4. I don't know why they didn't just add that simple sentence to the original postponement message... At least Tiger/Lion Bomber will now be a Panther for the night
  5. But we don't know why it's been called off? We do now... "A mixture of heavy weekend rain, low temperatures and the prospect of afternoon showers have led to the early postponement." Fair enough
  6. Funny that the picture they've used on their Twitter post for a "Wolves" rider is the guesting Chris Harris... sums it all up really
  7. Forecast doesn't look that iffy... would have been nice for them to give a reason You would have thought with this being the first home meeting since the terrible news of last week that they would have moved heaven and earth to get it on, while interest in "the story" is still high... local TV in attendance etc. Maybe the track is waterlogged though... we just don't know
  8. Fortunately for you it was a terrible Speedway meeting and you've probably dodged a bullet there
  9. They certainly did on course betting at Covenrty for a while and they were also sponsored by Victor Chandler for a season or 2. Some matches were streamed on Bet365 also... but it all died a death for some reason, I have no idea why, maybe it was because Speedway was too predictable?
  10. Wasn't a fan of the Allen signing personally, I would have gone for one of the out of work Brits or Jye Etheridge if his average fits/fitted?
  11. Fricke didn't have a great GP season last year, despite winning the biggest GP of the season. In 2021 however he finished 8th, which is "bang average" of the worlds 15 best riders. He finished ahead of Jason Doyle and Robert Lambert, the Robert Lambert that replaced him because he broke his sternum, bruised his lungs, sprained his shoulder, cracked his shoulder blade and suffered concussion. Dan Bewley's current average: 7.13, Max Fricke: 7.56 "class number one like Pedersen"
  12. I'd love to be able to tell you but I'm still blocked after 4 years, a great way to treat one of their most loyal customers... looks like they hold a grudge
  13. Early season, enthusiasm is (was) high, weather looks set fair for most of the country, people not at work, looking for a leisure activity... 1 Speedway meeting on this weekend in the whole country!
  14. I assume they were trying to try and even things up... didn't work though
  15. I think it just tells us they ballsed up the gate preparation... not much else
  16. That match was really about who couldn't make gate 4 count and that was Edinburgh. Berwick could with Connor Coles and his 2 team ridden 5-1's
  17. Great team riding by Rory & Jye to ride Connor Coles home for 5-1's... shame the Captain cleared off and left him to get passed when they were on a 5-1 or they would have won by more
  18. I'm on my way to Armadale because I think that I maybe able to win a race off gate 4... and I've never ridden a motorbike
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