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Everything posted by IainB

  1. Possibly... but I'm sure Oxford will have pulled in some cash in from people (like myself) who would have never attended this match.
  2. Maybe it'll pick up a bit during the summer. I only went the once last year when Leicester were visiting and the crowd was massive for modern times
  3. Great ride from Masters! Toying with Paco. The experienced riders are really showing their class tonight. Ride of the month from JJ
  4. Depends if you count Bomber as a guest LEICESTER: Max Fricke, Justin Sedgmen, Richard Lawson, Chris Harris, Nick Morris, Jake Allen, Dan Thompson. KING’S LYNN: Nicolai Klindt, Thomas Jorgensen, Frederik Jakobsen, Steve Worrall, Michael Palm Toft, Craig Cook, Jason Edwards.
  5. I think the weather forecasters may win this one
  6. You guys don't even have any kind of petition for the Speedway world to sign! What's the plan... to print this thread out with people saying close the club down now! I'm almost lost for words... not quite though
  7. Thanks for the feedback... amid all of the other pointless posts on this hysterical thread I'm surprised you've not replied to all the others
  8. Personally i think Peterborough and all clubs should be looking to follow the Leicester model. Council owned land leased back on a 99 year contract. The sport needs to move away from being tenants to private landlords and/or here today gone tomorrow promoters.
  9. Yes, but there's hardly a queue of people lining up to buy the club is there... The Ford's can't even unload Poole! And riders aren't exactly queuing up to ride in the UK either, how much would you be willing to pay as an entrance fee to see a signing like Zmarzlik, Janowski, Vaculik or any GP No 1? £30? £40? It's simple economics, because even if you were... they'll be 5 or 6 others that won't. Nicki P has let you (and Buster) down badly, I can't see how you think Buster hasn't shown you respect, I remember him on the PA last year (I think) and he was most respectful about the clubs supporters and staff... he paid you the ultimate respect by saving your club when nobody else wanted to.
  10. I think you have bigger fish to fry at the moment than winning speedway matches. If your club does not survive into the future you'll not be winning Speedway matches again for a very long time
  11. If you put as much energy into starting a campaign to keep your club open as you are into calling for your club to close immediately just because you're not winning you may stand a chance of continuing into the future. Having had 3 of the clubs I supported close over the years, I wouldn't wish it on any one.
  12. It's the difference between being a "supporter" and a fan(atic)... which one are you?
  13. I think, back in the day the National League was a separate entity, a bit lit like what NORA is today. Rye House opened pandora's box when they signed Razza and he was quite an attraction at the time and understandably other NL clubs then followed suit to boost their businesses... eventually the leagues merged and then you end up where we are today
  14. Must say Dan Bewley is so impressive on and off the track!
  15. He'll be pretty good when he grows up
  16. If it's any consolation KL are worse than Panthers
  17. Not as bad as last year when the Panthers scored 26 & 27 points on their 2 visits to the NSS
  18. Here are some suggestions that could potentially help save speedway in the UK: 1. Building grassroots support: Speedway teams need to engage with local communities and involve fans in the sport. This could include initiatives like meet-and-greets, autograph signings, or putting on open practices. By creating a bond with fans at a local level, speedway teams can work on cultivating a dedicated and engaged fanbase. 2. Investments in infrastructure: Upgrading stadiums to improve the spectator experience, adding modern amenities, and refurbishing tracks are key components to modernizing speedway in the UK. This can attract new fans who might be deterred by outdated facilities or an uncomfortable viewing experience. 3. Improved marketing: Speedway needs to embrace modern marketing techniques to attract new fans. Social media campaigns, targeted advertising, and better communication with local media outlets could help raise awareness and enthusiasm for the sport. 4. Cost reduction: The cost of attending speedway events needs to be addressed, with an emphasis on making it more accessible for people from all income levels. Ticket price reductions, deals for families, and student discounts should all be considered. 5. Exploring alternative revenue streams: Speedway teams could explore alternative revenue streams other than just ticket sales. Merchandising, event catering, and sponsorship deals can all help to create additional income streams for the sport. From ChatGPT I think we've found a replacement for Rob Godfrey
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