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Everything posted by IainB

  1. He does deserve a true world championship that's not heavily weighted in his favour I'll give you that.
  2. You've missed the biggest "asterix" situation ever... the whole 2020 GP season!
  3. Didn't it happen at the end of last season when nobody realised Tragic had got the bronze medal? It happens quite a bit with this ludicrous scoring system
  4. Nobody knows... and if even R&R can't get it right, the ultimate test, the scoring system is not fit for purpose
  5. Ah, I was watching it on discovery plus where they cut to Scott Nicholls in the pits during the ad breaks
  6. The only time I saw Greg again was later in the evening "helping" Tragic Janowski
  7. Watching him at work was probably one of the most entertaining things about last night... he was doing his job and he was doing it really well, British Speedway are lucky to have him onboard... I just hope it's not too late! It's amazing what a positive can do attitude and a few brushes can do! Similar to when Tai was winning his world championships and the other best rider in the world (Emil) elected not to ride in the GP series Robert "Daniel" Lambert came good in the end
  8. Looks like they're turning Phil Morris into a cyborg! Hope he remembers to turn his camera off when he goes for a waz
  9. This has also been built over the back of the PMA https://www.dmu.ac.uk/campus/leisure/beaumont-park.aspx You have to wonder why it wasn't built on all the wasteland outside of the PMA as was always originally intended? And why we aren't working alongside one of the city's biggest investors
  10. The same kind as the piece of paper that Nicki P wrote his name on for Peterborough. If his Polish club don't think his performances are up to scratch the answer is simple, bin him off! Then he can concentrate his efforts on the Lions
  11. ... and not only not owning the tracks, increasingly clubs don't own the riders with them being at the whim of the mood a Polish promoter is in
  12. So, do you know what happens if David Hemsley falls out of love with Speedway or god forbid something happens to him and his company is wound up or taken over?
  13. The thing is the Leicester and Workington models are not the same. I believe the Leicester stadium is Council owned and leased back on a long term agreement. Workington on the other hand is still at the whim of a private owner and I don't want to p1ss on their parade before they've even started but nobody knows what the future holds, just look at Somerset. It only takes an offer that can't be refused to be made to the owner and you're out of a home
  14. Personally I'm OK with it even if the rain hadn't turned up, which it has, it was certainly forecast to, a large band crossing the country. And they left it until the day of the meeting to make the decision. What annoys me is when clubs call off the day before based on a forecast of showers, which we all know can be hit and miss.
  15. I live a mile and a half from the stadium and it rained from about 3pm to 4:30 then dried up a bit and it's currently raining again with it looking set in for the night... totally correct decision. You must feel a bit silly
  16. None of our business really with privately owned companies... Agree though, it would be intriguing to know the viewing numbers
  17. Isn't the qualifying on Saturday? It was last year around Noon/1pm
  18. OK, so it's not a surcharge on Seniors... but you're "encouraged" to pre-book meaning that there may be a certain demographic that are less likely to do this. Strange one as usually it's the other way around and you get surcharged for booking online. No doubt this has been done to death elsewhere on the forum
  19. You would hope so, it's their product to sell... wasn't their somebody watching from Canada last night? Hard to imagine that they would have attended
  20. Like I said, I only went the once last year to follow Leicester and it was a lovely summer night, there was quite a contingent of travelling Lions and the crowd was probably double what it was last night. I can't imagine that there were that many Lions there so I'm guessing the others are casuals... and I doubt very much that they'd be paying for a stream
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