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Everything posted by IainB

  1. We'll have him at Leicester... at least he's a captain that turns out for his team
  2. I often see a Bates walking around the terraces at Leicester... he's usually on the phone and very rarely watching the racing... makes you wonder what they're in it for?
  3. Somebody is at fault. Harris was scheduled to miss the original staging apparently as he's chasing his equally deluded dream of becoming World Longtrack Champion. It's going to take a truly exceptional set of circumstances for him to become world speedway champion... or even make the GP's. He should really be showing some loyalty as Captain of the team to Leicester and British Speedway and the leagues that provide him with the majority of his income at the expense of the credibility of the sport in this country. Leicester should not have taken the fixture but as @mikebv said it's not effecting the home gate so stuff the Leicester fan!
  4. Thought I saw something in the regs about a clock was only looking at them the other day... I could be wrong of course Although I was also looking at the FIM regs, so I probably am wrong
  5. Yes I have... he supposed to be our Captain! Just makes a mockery of the position.
  6. I think that is the rule isn't it? "IF" you have a clock on the in field
  7. Complete 5h1t show which ever way you look at it!
  8. Great! Captain misses the meeting to chase his own deluded personal dream! Personally I'd strip him of the captaincy for that! Or... was this a fixture change? If so why on earth did Leicester accept it knowing their captain would be missing?
  9. Amazing isn't it that not one so called promoter had the gumption to put an event on and promote it. I used to think that Speedway in this country would continue with American style individual meetings when league Speedway finally collapses, as it inevitably will if the closure of tracks continues at its current rate... but now I'm not so sure.
  10. Yet again last night, the best night of the year so far, weather wise... only 1 Speedway meeting on... and that was a junior match
  11. I predict a massive sun delay at around 19:45
  12. Do Leicester get a 4-2 in the final race and win on this thread?
  13. Interesting that you'd come on here to advertise your podcast (which is excellent by the way) only to slag us off on it... thanks! "Only in Speedway!"
  14. Stop being a "Keyboard Warrior" and go to the pits and ask him
  15. Wasn't Mervyn Stewkesbury the one that developed the "blueprint" for the 5h1tshow of a sport we have today?
  16. Cov rode for a season with "In it to Win it" on the back of their race jackets, around the Bob Tanser/Colin Meredith era... I think they may have finished bottom of the league!
  17. Yes, those are the ones i remember... now you've mentioned them, some new ones on me though
  18. We had a season with all teams running R/R and 18 heats(?)... it was a disaster
  19. Chris Holder used to have "Doin Eetswa" a few years back
  20. I think Erik Gundersen used to carry that too
  21. He did... isn't that the Rolling Stones logo?
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