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Everything posted by IainB

  1. Give Sky a call... if you can bare it! Have you tried logging out and logging back in again? https://www.sky.com/help/articles/discovery-plus
  2. Could be fun and games tonight judging by the state of the track prep. They said in commentary there were serious doubts about this GP taking place last week, the track looked a mess when they started and it was a bit of a disaster track last year. The track preppers didn't really seem to know what they were doing. Dan Bewley consistently fast in practice sessions and with Jack Holder qualifying P2 and being a 2 time finalist this year you have to wonder how long we would have to have waited to see those 2 riders in the GP's if it hadn't been for the exclusion of the 2 Polish Russians.
  3. PL: 1, 0, 1', 0, 1', 0, 1', 0, 0, 0, 0, 2', 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, R, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1', 0, 1', 1', 0, 0, 0, 1 CL: 1', 1, 0, 0, 3, 1', 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, R, 1', 1', 0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 1', 3, 3, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, FX, 0, 0, F, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1', 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 NL: 3, 3, 2, FX, R, 3, 3, F, R, 3, 3, 3, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 Pick the bones out of that! In a properly structured league those 0's & 1's in the CL would be 1's & 2's. I wonder if any analysis is carried out year on year to see if the strengths of the leagues are right to aid progression and development?
  4. Judging by the fact that it's now June and he still doesn't have a team suit or team bike covers you can't help but think it can't be long before he's replaced.
  5. Not sparse but well down on last year's Saturday nights. It's amazing isn't it, in what other sport could you walk around brazenly wearing the colours of Coventry, traditionally Leicester's fiercest rivals, and be Leicester "fans"
  6. I think the point is Leicester weren't due at Peterborough on that date, the club switched with Sheffield
  7. Totally agree... Looks like at the time it was an extra pay day for him, so why not take it. It seems once you've entered you're locked in until you're knocked out, so for the club to then switch fixtures and then not really explain why their captain was missing was a bit naughty imo.
  8. As they're riding at the moment, I'd fancy Lions over 2 legs against anybody! Up the Irons
  9. It's amazing how things look once you know the facts! Now I am in possession of those facts I can totally see how Chris was caught between a rock and a hard place and of course it was a no brainer that he had to miss the Peterborough fixture. It's a pity that the full facts weren't laid out by the club, they just left him to hang out and dry. The only information released by the club was "current Lions skipper Chris Harris misses the meeting as he is racing in a Grand Prix qualifier in Germany"
  10. I can be... I had let it go, until he said he took it seriously etc. Don't come on the PA telling me that you take the captaincy seriously when you've just elected not to ride for your club. I agree the rescheduling was unfortunate but a captain of a club who took that captaincy seriously would only have made one choice
  11. In our Captains mind maybe, it's not compulsory to ride in is it?
  12. Was a pretty decent meeting last night, the result was never in doubt once we saw how King, Rew, Barker, Hume & Thompson were riding. My gob was smacked when I heard Chris Harris say that it was an honour to be captain of the team and it's something he takes very seriously... coming in the very next match after he decided not to ride for Leicester at Peterborough I found a bit of a p155 take! On a positive note, was easily the best crowd of the season so far, with it looking to be up there with the Saturday nights of recent seasons. I genuinely thought Ippo were going to be title contenders at the start of the season with their big guns pulling them over the line in 13 & 15, but with almost no support recently it looks like it may be a shorter season for them than I thought
  13. Ippo... what have you done to our Joe Thompson? You've ruined him!
  14. His home Leicester average is quite good to be fair, a genuine heat leader... away is a different matter though!
  15. Premier Sports dabbled with it a few years ago but the commentary wasn't that great. Didn't Terry Russell have something to do with buying the TV rights for it to be shown in this country?
  16. Not really living up to his 10 point average so far!
  17. Think this one may come down to those rider not currently in form and who of those does the best/worst King & Morris
  18. Woffinden is finished as a world force! That's not to say he can't regain it like Hancock did after about 15 years. Was amusing at the start when he was giving it the usual Billy Big Spuds... I don't get nervous garbage, cut to Jason Crump saying if you say you don't get nervous you're full of crap If Woffy genuinely isn't getting nervous it obviously just doesn't mean enough to him anymore. Disappointed with Dan, just showed a little lack of experience at times with a few bad choices but if he can learn from his mistakes he's going to be a consistent challenger for years to come. Well done to Leicester Lions legend Vaculik on his win
  19. Whenever you hear the riders interviewed though they all seem to love the track. Although Scott Nicholls said on a podcast I was listening to that some riders can be scared of it. One thing's for sure that even if the riders love it that doesn't always equal great speedway racing.
  20. A great speedway meeting that, in the early stages i was thinking what a competitive series it's going to be this year until the Poles finally pulled their fingers out and the cream rose to the top. Be interesting to see if that quality of racing will be carried over to tomorrow night!
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