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Everything posted by IainB

  1. Hands up if anybody is interested whether @chrismorton is going or not
  2. This just highlights another rule that needs changing/updating... Birmingham should have been allowed a facility last night
  3. Try Carl Johnson's... he only lives 100 yards from the stadium and will defintely be in, you may have to clean the bogs yourself though if you use them... bring your own marigolds
  4. Failed/missed drugs test... or referee error, take your pick
  5. Because they can see a clock ticking down on the centre?
  6. Most of them could phone in their changes... I think the value of a team manager these days lies more in the role of rider coach/mentor/motivator
  7. Doesn't mean to say he didn't aggravate the injury... we'll find out in the fulness of time just what's give on... hopefully
  8. He was injured the weekend before last in Poland, missed the Leicester match on the Thursday... feasible he's been taking prohibited pain killers or the like I suppose if the drug test thing is true
  9. Let's wait for the facts first, but if the rumours are true they should throw the book at him
  10. Where's Bomber when you need him... oh riding for the other side
  11. To be fair you also heard Hans had been binned by Panthers
  12. This has always been a big mystery to me, what's so wrong with Thursday's? Surely this just proves that people like going out on a Wednesday evening in Poole and not a Thursday. If you support your club you go (if you can) on whatever night of the week... what's the other big attraction in Poole on a Thursday evening?
  13. Another new poster telling us how to behave and in the same sentence calling people toxic bell ends... pot, kettle, black?
  14. I think it was 5 years but then covid hit so that was moved on one year, so it should come to an end in 2026... unless they buy themselves out of it like Sky did
  15. Carl Johnson leaves the club, the club keeps running Buster leaves the club, game over
  16. The guy's been a legend in British Speedway... alarm bells for me were ringing when he said he'd not been on a bike since last season until practice day, which imo spoke volumes! He has been declared for Thursday's meeting though
  17. It's not been a good year for Buster's Captains!
  18. I'm just wondering where all of these "Johnny come lately" posters are coming from all of a sudden. We've all been on here sounding the warnings for years, in fact most of us have left and all of a sudden, now it's probably too late, people are coming on here to vent their spleens... welcome aboard though. I think I could probably run a Speedway club and a lot better than those in charge currently do but there's no way on this earth that I ever would in it's current format. Why would I? In fact why do those that currently do it... do it. Listening to Nigel Tolley on the Speeway Tavern podcast he said he did it because he's a massive Speedway fan as are his family and he knows it means so much to so many people in the community, which are all very laudable reasons but that almost sounds like a charity, which is not how Speedway should be run. As for your club, well I suspect that the promoter you had this season (and Peterborough's will he won't he potential promoter) were/are driven by hubris. You don't need me to tell you this but if all clubs were run like Buster runs his clubs then the sport would be in a much more healthier state financially, I'd love to have a nice shiny new car on my drive, but I can't afford one, so I don't have one. Buster is no saint, I could do without all of his vindictiveness towards those that have crossed him, sometimes you just have to forgive (not forget) and move on.
  19. I only commented on Hawkins demeanour as I wondered if he was the same off camera as he is on it, he doesn't come across as inspirational but then neither does Pete Adams yet most people speak very highly of him, quite rightly as he's got a proven track record
  20. If the SGP3 this weekend is half as good as last seasons it should be an absolute cracker... easily, by some way, the best thing I saw last year
  21. Have you not heard the news? Birmingham are moving to the renovated Alexander stadium and are going to hold a Grand Prix!
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