Haven’t Rob Lyon & Ritchie Hawkins been absent recently because of being on holiday... when that's the example riders are being set it's no wonder they follow suit
There's other rules though that shouldn't be down to interpretation, leaving the track after a restart is called, practice starts without helmets, lanyards not being worn while the engine is running, if you're not going to enforce them, why have them? It only makes it seem unfair when a referee all of a sudden decides to enforce them
So many rules these days seem just to be whether the referee wants to enforce them or not... there are lot of new refs around these days and you have to wonder whether they're on top of the rule book and/or whether they get assessed once they've "passed" their induction phase
Is that Dayle Wood the guy Woffy auctioned his trophy for to help him get over to Britain?
He looks so far out of his depth and borderline dangerous... reminds me of Steve Johnstone when he first came over here
There's a sign in the pits that says lanyards must be worn at all times while the engine is running even while being warmed up in the pits... how often do you see a rider take his lanyard off on a cool down lap... another rule that's not enforced
Can somebody on Facebook send a message in asking Stewart Dickson when we can expect to see the 2022 Jubilee Trophy Final... I'm not on Facebook