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Everything posted by IainB

  1. While I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments of your post, technically he's withholding his services as I assume was Hans Andersen last night, which last year at least carried a 28 day ban
  2. Cars are more relatable to the general public, there won't be many people around that haven't been in a car at some point in their lives... Bikes on the other hand are more niche... and Speedway even nicher among the biking community
  3. This from 1 hour ago: https://twitter.com/OxfordSpeedway/status/1684829479829413888?s=20 I thought Scott was in Poland anyway for the SWC? Was nice to see a rider putting his club ahead of other activities for a change though, shame it wasn't meant to be, obviously family comes first.
  4. He's under no obligation to do so and I don't doubt what you're saying is true... but maybe in this day of conspiracy theories he or the club could have posted said pictures on their socials with an apology, would have gone a long way, just saying
  5. Averages Shmaverages... Brum was cancelled and he took a hell of a smash at Oxford last week. This is the KL v Peterborough thread is it not
  6. I'd say about the same, maybe a tad lower at the start of the season
  7. This from 1979, nothing much changes apart from the biro warriors have turned to keyboard warriors:
  8. This from 1979, nothing much changes apart from we don't ride in those conditions anymore:
  9. Good though wasn't it... all packed into 1 hour with some of the more embarrassing bits edited out
  10. The more interested parties the better I would say as far as the seller is concerned
  11. ... lions@leicesterspeedway.com on a confidential basis. What concerns you about that? I wouldn't expect to see it in the exchange and mart
  12. Central/ATV used to cover Speedway (Cov, CH & Leicester) quite a bit, often in a graveyard slot though, add in Anglia (KL, Ippo & Peterborough) and regionally Speedway did quite well. Nationally World of Sport covered Speedway across a Saturday afternoon. So we did quite well really
  13. Don't mention the title win... I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it
  14. Er I think we were still reigning champions when racing resumed in 2021 I'm glad you agree it wasn't mentioned though
  15. Hopefully the new owners will be more local and take more of a proactive attitude in actually actively promoting the club to the local community. While the Bates have brought success to the club, the club did nothing with it in terms of promotion and once the title was won in 2019 it was barely mentioned again, then of course there was the debacle of last years final. Let's hope that the Bates can go out on a high with victory in the Jubilee Trophy!
  16. I found it interesting that "security" immediately suppressed the victim and not the aggressor... shows what you can get away with if you wear any kind of uniform
  17. What a terrible advert for Speedway racing tonight, it was like watching speedway from Poole
  18. How on earth is it that the people involved in bringing the sport to us know so very little about it? It's utterly astounding!
  19. I'm guessing it's because in the past the local guys have ballsed it up and they don't want to trust them, not at Wroclaw but certainly others. It also doesn't help having practice so close to the actual meeting, it definitely didn't help when the SoN was last held at BV
  20. It's OK for marketing, social clips etc... but it adds absolutely nothing to the coverage of a meeting, in fact quite the opposite, it's just a gimmick What a terrible track
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