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Everything posted by IainB

  1. Wonder if they'll have "For Sale" banners adorning the air bags on Monday if the TV Cameras are in town
  2. We must not upset Eurosport! The saviours of our sport
  3. They maybe have to ride in these meetings because it's being run as a business, so to sell sponsorship packages to other businesses they'll have a programme of events that they're participating in to sell to sponsors. The sponsors, The Daily Star for example, probably don't even know or care that some of the competitions the team are riding in carry little prestige. That would be my take on it anyway
  4. I don't think it's called Twitter anymore
  5. I think Tai straight lined it once... surprised me Lambert & Bewley didn't do it more... It's probably a difficult move though, trouble is Zmarzlik makes it look so easy!
  6. Wow! You have to hand it to MAGIC Janowski tonight, redemption for the SoN in 2021. Danes did well to come back from a disastrous start Aussies unlucky with Jack Holder Brits 1 rider short of an easy victory Now for Leicester vs Ipswich on Monday
  7. Jack Holder seemed alright when he was walking back to the pits until that female medic twisted his wrist round then he was on his knees... just saying
  8. Our top 3 are a good as any currently 5th, 8th & 9th in the world, beyond that the other contenders for a team place are all very much of a muchness, Ellis has time on his side and of the other's, on form, I probably would have gone for Lawson for his starting ability. Really tonight i think it's probably as open as it's been for years and you could make a case for any of them to win it, for Poland it'll depend on which Janowski turns up, the Magic one or the Tragic one. Come on our boys!
  9. Not directed at you but if true this whole "people in the know" knowing and it being on the forums before the rider knows is so disrespectful to the rider
  10. Amateur level Speedway used to be Grasstrack had it not? Technically another sport I know but there weren't many British riders ridingi n the past that hadn't come through the Grasstrack ranks, with the decline of the Grasstracks this seems to have been replaced by the junior Speedway programme and moto x riders making the switch
  11. Trouble is there seems to be 3 distinct entities involved, Neil Vatcher develops the youth up to a point and then hands them over to the BSPL, who put them through the rinser, mess them about, drop them because somebody else's points don't fit when they want to make a change etc. and then if by some miracle they're still riding Speedway, after being dropped multiple times throughout a season, they progress through the the GB Speedway team, who the BSPL seem to almost completely ignore unless there's some kind of victory bandwagon to jump on... Only on Thursday or Friday last week the BSPL were plugging the British Final on their Socials... this with a World Cup Final only days away which they're almost ignoring
  12. I don't imagine for one moment it will and it's certainly not a cure all solution but the sport won't be anything again in this country until somebody takes charge and puts an end to it... even if it means 5 or 4 rider teams, to restore some credibility to what after all should be a team sport. @KenB1 seems to have sussed it out from day 1... I wonder if he still attends speedway?
  13. Really? I thought they were going to be mandatory next season
  14. For me next season we HAVE to put an end to doubling up. It doesn't matter how they do it they've just got to do it... it's effecting the sports credibility and therefore crowds, it effects what nights clubs can run on... and therefore crowds and in turn because clubs can only run on 2 nights of the week it causes fixture congestion and therfore effects crowds. That particular genie is well and truly out of the bottle and is going to take a massive change to get it back in
  15. I can imagine the Swedish Speedway Forum going into meltdown tonight as to why they named Fred at 5 and then just proceeded to replace Berntzon all night, surely the thing to do was put Berntzon out early to see what his form was like and then replace him and/or others tactically... and Stefan Shovlarsson probably banging on about how the Piraterna riders should have been picked
  16. Didn't they also adopt doubling up a few years ago, how's that going for them? Where we lead... others follow
  17. Listening to the British Speedway podcast Richard Lawson was on it saying he had a guest booking on the Thursday, assuming this was recorded on Tuesday at the latest somebody knew Laguta wasn't going to be there... make of that what you will
  18. I think you could class Woffy as a "Character"
  19. I hope you're right with the Nicholls thing, apparently the Hans thing was genuine as he sent a picture of the traffic jam he was in that made him miss the plane to his ex-manager over here, Laguta... hmm. Wouldn't Masters have been classed to have been on international duty?
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