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Everything posted by IainB

  1. Your posts from the KL v Ippo thread last night: "Not much danger of any overtaking tonight. Exactly what’s happened to the showground" "three meetings I’ve tried this this at Kings Lynn, all been processional crap. Two common denominators, the track surface and the owner." It wasn't a classic I'll agree but there was a sprinkling of good racing. I'll agree with the hold ups at Lynn last night though, 15 races crammed into 2 hours and 5 minutes. I was also at the Peterborough match on Monday night and there was some decent Speedway racing and it was all done by 21:06
  2. Last night I posted a few times on the KL v Ippo thread, somebody posted that the racing was crap and there wouldn't be any overtaking, every time there was an over take I commented on it... absolutely nobody else did, all anybody wanted to comment on was how crap the racing was and Buster this, Buster that
  3. There's also people that just don't see the positive posts, I've been accused many times of being negative... but if I see a good match or race I also say so, some people choose not to see that though and just focus on the negative
  4. If you're not prepared to have your opinions challenged then Forums are not for you... agree there's no need to be rude or nasty though.
  5. That's the thing Guy Martin had a go at on one of his TV shows a few years ago... reminds me a bit of Cribby going round shale tracks on his ice bike
  6. To be fair Roynon seems to be a bit of a lone voice amongst the riders, generally when interviewed they're pretty complimentary about the track... but then they tend to like to trap and clear off into the distance, maybe different when you're always at the back (or a fan watching it)
  7. It used to be a cracking race track and I would happily travel over from Leicester as a neutral to watch some great Speedway. For whatever reason (mainly cost I would suspect) the shale was changed some years ago and now although it can still be pretty good on occasion it's a shadow of the race track it used to be.
  8. Don't worry, BSN are at Poole next week and I'm sure Roynon (and Shovlar) will be gushing about the track... while we're all falling asleep
  9. Ritchie Hawkins said he was "buzzing" earlier after Ippo's win at Leicester... he'll be doing cart wheels tonight!
  10. Nice passing and re-passing between Riss & Lambert!
  11. He's just done himself out of 2 potential team spots then
  12. Gutted! Don't know when I'm going to get to see Connor Mountain again
  13. It's absolutely hammering it down 1.5 miles from the track
  14. sRaining, only a sprinkle... but there's a dollop forecast for around 4 & 6
  15. pay on night, cash or card or you can pre-purchase tickets 4 hour time limit on supermarket car park, onsite parking at the track if you arrive early enough
  16. Send him a Tweet and ask him, he does seem to engage with people even if it's only to out them. Didn't he say he in his book that he scours social media for people that slag him off
  17. I'm sure the thinking of supporters is way way down the list of there concerns if it even makes it on at all... There'll be many more cost to the business reasons why meetings are called off sometimes days in advance. I agree with your second point though, been there, done that and I accept it
  18. If Sheffield aren't allowed a facility... what is Connor Mountain?
  19. I'm sure Dreamboat Phil will be along with a full explanation in the interests of integrity and transparency
  20. Does this mean Connor Mountain is in contention for an SoN spot next year?
  21. You don't really know do you? Me neither tbh, like Phil suggests it just sounds like they've redeclared their team too early... or maybe I'll put my tin foil hat back on again
  22. If I had my tin foil hat on I may have thought Sheffield were throwing this one so Leicester get more exposure in the league and play offs as the club is up for sale... but I haven't... so I don't think that at all. Bad management it is then... from the joint GB manager too
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