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Everything posted by IainB

  1. Watching the camera work from Eurosport is like being on an LSD trip... I would imagine
  2. Well, he's had a race suit made, that tells me he's staying around
  3. Currently standing at just over 1100... Wow! Forget it!
  4. The whole British Final was a bit of a shambles really with rider drop outs and confusion over qualification etc. What I find more of an issue is his refusal to ride for his country
  5. Thanks for that... Sounds like a bit of a keyboard warrior We've been saying a lot of this for years, especially regarding the young kids. A lot of what he's saying smacks of self interest, of course he doesn't want a No1 being replaced, he wants to guest for every team in every leg of the finals The riders only have themselves to blame nobody is holding a gun to their head to sign a contract, if he feels that strongly about it he should try and resurrect the Speedway riders union
  6. Well, we're all still waiting... maybe he'll drop a few Bombs tonight Live on Eurosport
  7. I think your presenting style is great and something we're very unlikely to see elsewhere. Keep up with the crap jokes, puts a smile on my face
  8. I have seen the SGP 3 advertised as the 3rd round of the SGP and the SoN2 as a round of the SGP though... but I'll go with this, thanks. Was hoping to go to the Peterborough match but there's far too much hanging around for my liking, so will watch it on TV
  9. Last years attendance looked to be about 50% down on 2019's, I think the ridiculous track conditions will have had more of an effect on this year's attendance than anything Bewley did last year. And instead of doing anything to try and improve the crowd WBD's answer is to change the camera angles... you couldn't make it up!
  10. Sorry, I could have summed all that up in one word... Eurosport
  11. Because I couldn't find it on the Eurosport website and the EPG is always wrong and it doesn't matter what they say on the programme as they can change like they did with Tai's 2023 UK debut
  12. According to this: https://www.wheresthematch.com/channels/Eurosport.asp?sportid=24 The cameras are at the NSS
  13. More to the point... anybody know what the rider rates are for this? As this will determine how many riders pull out with "injuries"
  14. While I agree with your sentiments and I will be going and will enjoy myself you can't ignore the fact that last year was very nearly a disaster and even before that the crowd was about 50% down on what it has built itself up to be. There are many many factors as to why people didn't attend, strikes, cost of accommodation, cost of living, brexit, warsaw gp, lack of competition for Zmarzlik, generally poor racing... take your pick. Last year was a bit of a perfect storm and I'm afraid after last year's debacle and all of those other factors still in play this year seems to be even more of a perfect storm. If WBD really want to preserve this once showpiece event they're somehow really going to have to come up with something innovative to tempt fans back. I'll be there enjoying it and cheering on the Brits!
  15. It's a shame King Charles & The Prince of Wales didn't wish the GB Speedway Team the best of luck in the Speedway World Cup... if only our team was comprised of: Danielle Bewley Roberta Lambert Tia Woffinden Adamina Ellis Tamsin Brennan
  16. Can't we just agree that he's crap... whatever the reason
  17. How can you take anything with the word Championship in the title twice seriously? The Championship Championship
  18. I'm no particular fan of Neil Vatcher, couldn't really give a toss either way tbh. As far as I can tell his qualifications are that he's a Poole fan, used to mechanic for Boycey and seems to be really enthusiastic. But you have to wonder about Connor Bailey, now he seems a nice lad is having an excellent season and showing some real progress, but... he's let the GB Speedway team down by refusing to take the SoN2 booking, Rowe, Kemp & Gilkes took the booking, probably at a financial loss. When there are no qualification routes for GP reserve spots and it's a matter of selection you shouldn't really be too disappointed knowing that you've refused to ride for your country a few weeks earlier! This "British" Under 21 Champion obviously doesn't regard riding for "your country" as an honour like many others do
  19. It's probably been done to death elsewhere but how is it fair that Michelsen can qualify from the SEC while the likes of Becker & Lidsey can't even compete in that competition?
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