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Everything posted by IainB

  1. Yet another showpiece event being devalued by the BSPL, started last year by holding it on a Wednesday night in Poole and now this year with even the defending champion unable to be there. Why is it being held so early? Always used to be mid September
  2. No idea then... if you were going to do anything innovative surely that's what you'd do
  3. Maybe Fricke & Worral paired together to get some 5-1's to negate the Doyle & Emil 5-1's at the end of the meeting, sacrifice the 5 & Reserve races?
  4. He probably won't show... it's a bit far from Cumbria. IPSWICH: 1. Emil Sayfutdinov 9.91 2. Erik Riss 4.86 3. Danny King 7.03 © 4. Keynan Rew 4.00 5. Jason Doyle 9.37 6. Danyon Hume 3.74 7. Jason Edwards (G) (RS). Team Manager: Ritchie Hawkins LEICESTER: 1. Max Fricke 8.91 © 2. Richie Worrall 5.77 3. Richard Lawson 7.38 4. Justin Sedgmen 6.12 5. Craig Cook 5.96 6. Jake Allen 4.09 7. Drew Kemp (RS). Team Manager: Stewart Dickson
  5. Not before he's told us about the long covid and belt drive
  6. I really don't want to be a doom and gloom merchant but the petition you started on the 13th of August currently has a not so grand total of 1,153 signatures. If as suggested, last night was the largest crowd of the season it surely couldn't have been more than 1,153 or they would have signed the petition. 1,153 signatures indicates to me most people don't give a toss, wasn't even mentioned on TV last night except by Bomber hinting that it was the end during an interview only screened on the Discovery+ app. Why aren't Tatum & Nicholls not screaming this down their mics? 2 times now they've talked about riders "coming back next year" and have failed to mention both times that the clubs they were talking about (Wolves with Woffy and Panthers with Wojjy) were going out of business next year! This criticism is not aimed at you, as far as I can tell you are one of the prime architects in trying to save the Panthers in some way... why has this petition not caught the imagination of Speedway fans around the world?
  7. You do know Peterborough are closing at the end of this season don't you? And nobody gives a toss... and Wolverhampton are also closing at the end of this year too! It's OK watching the League Champions, a professionally run club at the the best track in the world every week... but have you asked yourself who you will be riding against next year? I'll be up there on BHM for a bit of positivity
  8. Stand half open and then half full, when you saw head on shots of the stand there were a lot of empty seats
  9. I would say when there were 3 sections of the main stand closed and big gaps in those that were open 1k would be excellent
  10. Fair enough, you was there and I wasn't, I've been to most this season at Peterborough and it certainly didn't look like one of the biggest crowds, certainly not as many as for the recent Ippo meeting... or the Leicester match
  11. It's obviously an editorial decision not to mention it, can't think why though, like the crafty camera angles to make it look like there's a decent crowd in... it's such a sham
  12. Portaloo, it's when riders like this are riding that I really miss Sam Ermolenko Boudoir
  13. 100%, 4 blank air bags in full view with the start gate head on angle... even some sort of track invasion... 2nd thoughts, don't want Woffy picking up another £8k fine
  14. It's a pity there's no sign the petition sign on the air bags... or even any mention that Panthers are out on their arses at the end of the year The way Peterborough are just going out with a whimper is truly astounding!
  15. Now I've seen Dreamboat Phil () on my TV screen I've got a strange craving for methanol
  16. Watching the camera work from Eurosport is like being on an LSD trip... I would imagine
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