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IainB last won the day on October 23

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About IainB

  • Birthday 06/14/1971

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    Keyboard Warrior
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    Leicester Lions

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  1. Is 2025 the final year of the Eurosport TV deal? I believe it is. I wonder what the chances are of a return to Sky Sports now Phil Morris has given the TV presentation a much needed face lift?
  2. Poole already holding the competition up! Probably angling for the 2nd leg as usual... Maybe a Jubilee Trophy double header?
  3. You are not wrong and you are not alone
  4. Hope so, it'll be nice to possibly see a decent line up at Sheffield
  5. The Sheffield/Poole tie is shown as TBC on the Sheffield website... I wonder if the reality of arranging this tie is sinking in?
  6. You've left Robert Lambert out. I'd probably have Charles Wright ahead of King and/or Ellis. And I think Harris has retired from Team GB. 6 man teams, 18 heats, none of this 15 heat nonsense.
  7. I wonder who even suggested it and if they even thought about the difficulties in Poole assembling a credible team to compete 🤷‍♂️
  8. Not sure why you'd allow those 3 and no others... Poole already meeting Sheffield in their first match so that rules Rowe out... or does it? It should. Whatever happens it's certainly going to take up some space on here! Let's face it, Poole shouldn't really be competing in the competition.
  9. Surely the least you'd expect would be to "sign" a team of 7 riders that could potentially see them through to a final rather than a league select in every match.
  10. How is it working? I haven't heard anything official.
  11. Lawson, Cook & Thompson (D) cup tied surely?
  12. Hope so 🤞 It didn't really seem a setup thing, he was just slow dropping the clutch.
  13. Watched the speedway from Aus this morning, Sam Hagon was terrible from the starts, I can only hope he was still jet lagged as he seemed to be gating in a different time zone! His starts will need to be on point if he wants to score any points around Leicester next year.
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