Sad news on Tomasz gollob , best wishes Tomasz.
ON TOMASZ GOLLOB (10th of December) – Please, pray for this iron man
Tomasz still struggles with the constant spastic pains, that does not allow him to function normally.
Currently, he suffers so much, that it is impossible to continue the rehabilitation, which was to help him reduce the most onerous symptoms.
Recently, Tomasz underwent the two operations: the first – the removal of the gall bladder, the second – an implantation a special stimulator near the spine to help fight with the pain. Unfortunately, despite that a few weeks have passed since the operation, even the smallest improvement has not been observed. 'For now, the implanted stimulator didn't help, but it doesn't mean, that there's no chance of improvement. At this point, we must focus primarily on a selection of appropriate parameters of stimulation and the treatment with antibiotics' – says professor Marek Harat.
At present, the pains are so troublesome, that Tomasz rarely sit on the wheelchair and spends most of his time in a bed. 'Neuropathic pains are so strong, that the traditional painkillers are unable to control it. Patients are given the anti-epileptic medicines. The problem is, that Tomasz doesn't tolerate part of them and he feels very bad after them' – says professor Harat.
Neuropathic pains occur in up to seven percent of patients with damaged spinal cord. They are so strong, that they are often compared to the electric shock, but medicine still does not know the answer, what is their reason. The pains occur independently or they can also be caused by an appearance of even the smallest stimuli, such as a skin contact with a clothing or a riding a wheelchair into the slightest unevenness.
The recurring infections almost every week are also a huge problem. Tomasz's body is so weak, that any change in the conditions causes a high fever. This is why he avoids the guests, leaving the house only for the control and the next dose of strong drugs in the hospital.
Despite the huge problems with his health, Tomasz intends to appear in public on 16th of December, during