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topaz325 last won the day on April 1 2024

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  1. I never used to mind going abroad but all the hassle and travelling to airports when flying puts me off irrespective of the costs .
  2. Great plenty of room for me and three others with me Usually have you on ignore but your point is greatly accepted.
  3. Its a bit more to pay than I was expecting but I will be paying it if I can get a seat, will not pay that for standing though. Works out at £107.50 for one day, I paid £85.00 for Cardiff about three years ago so with rising costs and a much smaller crowd than Cardiff its to be expected to a certain extent. This is offset by getting a cheap hotel deal so works a bit better.
  4. Great crowd and at £28 for seating I thought it was good value considering the riders on show . The NSS needs to improve some things ie the entrance to the grandstand with only two turnstiles open , long queues for food and drink ( we gave up because we would miss the racing ) also the PA is pretty poor where we were sitting (not unusual and some stadiums ) Having said that the whole show was slick and well presented . The racing was processional for the first few heats or so but soon got going in the latter part of the meeting . Well done Brady Kurtz who rode the wheels off the bike !! Shiny … Oh and it was bloody cold 🥶
  5. I will wait to judge prices when officially announced.
  6. I would be happy at these prices but can see it being a little higher.
  7. Diamond Lodge, not the Savoy but will be fine for two nights.
  8. £80 was a just a guess but I’ll be paying it , if I get chance . few years ago Cardiff tickets were £85 Got hotel for £220 for two nights double room
  9. I would guess at least £70-£80 a day for seats ?
  10. I thought there might have been a feature on the training camp held at Workington a few weeks ago , I know it was mentioned in Peter Oakes column last week, maybe its in this weeks?
  11. Having said that have seen many fans who get upset, whinge and moan and walk out before the end of the match if the team is not winning , rather a team to watch than no team at all.
  12. Crazy when darts world champion picked up £500k , its all about tv revenue and large sponsors in reality.
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