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Everything posted by guitar_art

  1. The rulebook is crystal clear? You do know we are talking about the 'speedway' rule book dont you? And even if, as you say, it is crystal clear, there is such a thing as precedent. There have been, as the Eastbourne promotion agree, no less than five times this year that this has been waived in the NL. If it wasnt to be waived this time then Birmingham should have been given time to find a replacement. No this was timed to cause maximum damage to Birminghams hopes of getting the treble. Eastbourne say it wasnt them (and I have no reason to not believe them) so this must have come from on high. Have to say well done to Eastbourne. I dont think the inclusion of James Shanes would have changed the result but it would surely have made it closer.
  2. WHAT A NIGHT!!!! For those Eastie fans that were chanting to us on Sunday, and I quote: - "Who are you, who are you?" Well we are the League Champions, thats who. And anyway I have told you before, you are saying it wrong, please get it right. Its "Who are YOW" (With respect to George Gavin.) On another subject. Fed up of play offs? Fed up of the winning team over the regular season not getting any recognition? But there is nothing we can do I here you say. Well maybe, just maybe we can. Tune in tonight at 8 pm if you are curious sports-radio.co.uk
  3. Good track with a proper shape. Six good riders. 1974. Nuff Said
  4. We have great faith in the team but no faith in the play offs and the Eastie track. However I say this to the riders. You have proven you are the best team in the league by a country mile. Dont let these sparrows mug us. Ride hard, ride fast and ride clever. How much faith have I got in this team? I said I would never go to the eastie egg again. Dont like the track dont like the racing and dont like the distance. But I have to be there to see this one.
  5. This seems to be being discussed on the Eastbourne thread. However I am not going to allow them to hijack this thread like they may hijack the league. For me the result of this match comes down to someone being able to beat one of the sparrows heat leaders at least once. I would never write the Brummies team off after the season they have had but this is gonna be a difficult one and could be decided by falls/tape exclusions/ref decisions. There is history for those with a long enough tooth. And that history shows Birmingham coming back from a 16 point first leg deficit at the Eagles place. Hope springs eternal.
  6. I have no problem if Eastbourne win the KOC because of home track advantage (and the loss of Danyon.) That's cup competition and why there should always be a cup competition. However if we lose the league then it is a travesty. I hate play offs.
  7. Have to disagree. Its true that we have covered for Danyon against lesser sides but I fear against Eastbourne we will come unstuck. Danyon has been head and shoulders our best rider over the last few months. I am NOT confident especially with the Eagles home track advantage.
  8. At the moment it looks as though we will be going into these matches with r/r and a guest unless Danyon Hume manages to get himself fit. Not exactly ideal.
  9. Really no need for that. Birmingham have have had the Better of Cradley for two seasons now and as Martin has said in a previous post most of us are feeling a warm glow that things have changed. However, other than the odd 'rude person' (and all clubs have them.) the heathens have taken it well. They are not happy and nor should they be but they have been, for the most part, gracious in defeat. Mind you they might need a thick skin tonight I for one plan to be very loud.
  10. BIRMINGHAM can book their place in the National League play-off final tomorrow when they head to Monmore Green to take on Cradley (7.30). The Surestop Brummies hold a 16-point lead going into the second leg after winning 53-37 at Perry Barr last Wednesday. Team boss Graham Drury is demanding yet another professional showing from his side and says a good start to the tie is essential. "16 points from the first leg was a great effort from the side and it's more than we first anticipated," said Drury. "That said, we're going to Monmore confident, but not over confident. "We need to make sure we don't concede any early heat advantages and we need to keep the gap as big as we possibly can. "There's no way we're going there just to defend our 16 point advantage though - we want to keep our run going and we want a win on the night for our supporters too!" Drury has drafted in popular figure Danny Ayres at No. 1 while rider replacement will operate for Danyon Hume once again. CRADLEY: Max Clegg, Richard Andrews, Ben Hopwood, James Purchase R/R, Ashley Morris, Ben Basford, Bradley Andrews, Joe Lawlor (No.8) BIRMINGHAM: Danny Ayres, Danyon Hume R/R, Darryl Ritchings, Tom Bacon, Tom Perry, Jack Smith, Jack Parkinson-Blackburn, Lee Geary (No.8)
  11. Here's a revolutionary thought. If you want to get your fixtures in don't take a whole month (August) off.
  12. I am loving your enthusiasm. But we have bigger fish to fry and the truth is that this is a match we are just looking to survive with our remaining riders intact. I think, for that very reason, this will probably be a win for Buxton. If so make sure you enjoy it.
  13. Would have also been impossible. Many of the track staff work at both tracks.
  14. I Hate play offs. Get rid of them and stop giving Eastbourne one hand on the trophy before the season begins.
  15. FGS. PL stop injuring our riders! Does anyone have any news on Tom Bacon.
  16. Just had a communication with someone in the know at Birmingham and he confirmed what you have just said. I think that sometimes you need a brain the size of a planet to work out the ins and outs of the rule back. Thanks for the clarification, it certainly helps our cause.
  17. I certainly hope you are right but on the BSPA spreadsheet he is listed as NEG. And according to the legend ON the spreadsheet NEG means, and I quote:- "NEG Not Eligible to Guest as NL only Guest in PL as has achieved 4.00 or above in PL"
  18. Mitchell davey is no longer allowed to guest in NL http://www.speedwaygb.co/files/downloads/nl16_issue_25.pdf Looking at the available guests I think Cradley have a very good chance unless Danyon can perform a miracle return. (I hate play offs!)
  19. Of course. But its most likely to be about home track advantage. I understand the argument about bums on seats and not turning down extra revenue. However, as a counter argument, hasn't the sport in this country been on a steady decline for decades now? And isn't one of the reasons put forward for that by fans that this is down to percieved 'mickey mouse' regulations and running of this once proud sport. Isn't the play offs another example of that? For me if you are going to have play offs then those play offs should be on a level and neutral playing field as in most other sports that tread this path. I also wonder if the lack of support for the KOC is in some way down to the league effectively being a KOC.
  20. First and foremost. Get well Danyon and don't come back until you are ready. Follow the advice of your doctors. Secondly. Play offs stink! The best team in the league could well end up losing the title down to this even after slaughtering the rest of the league over a season. I think if we have to go with guest and R/R (Which is our only option.) we lose to Eastbourne. (Maybe Kent.) Words fail me once again other than to say. I think I have had enough of this sport.
  21. I am not really sure what your problem is and I apologise if I have upset you. Really all I have done is offer the opinion that I hoped the riders did not throw in towel as quickly as you seemed to have done. After all you did offer that we might as well give the tie to kent now. You seem to be offering the opinion that because you have been lucky enough to attend all away matches this in some way entitles you to have an opinion over others. I quote: - " I've only missed one Brummies match all season so i can say what i like on a public forum thank you---losing JPB and not knowing if Darryl is riding yet tips the balance--in my unbelievable opinion that it!" Yes you CAN say what you want on a public forum but it also follows that such posts can be criticised by others, including me, and how many matches I, or others, have attended (And I have attended a lot) is neither here or there. However I seem to have upset you and I have no wish to do so, so I will conclude my participation on this thread and put my head back behind the parapet. Sincerely have a nice day.
  22. JPB is currently ill with a mystery illness. We have no more info than that.
  23. Not sure what you mean by that. Will I be at the second leg? Unfortunately not. Why? Lets see. 1) I don't have enough money 2) Work will not let me have the time off 3) I don't have a time machine. Would I like to be there? Absolutely. I am gutted to be missing this one, I haven't missed many this season and those I have have been for the reasons I stated. Does this make you a better supporter than me? Well it seems to in your eyes. Personally I think it just makes you luckier. Having said all that. I really hope that you have a good time there and do me a favour and give a Brummie war cry for me.
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