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Everything posted by guitar_art

  1. speedway tavern tonight at 8pm sports-radio.co.uk Come and have your say on the shoutbox about last nights match. Also previewing Brum V Sparrows KOC match. And whatever YOU want to talk about.
  2. I don't think a day has gone by over the last week that there hasnt been something about last nights match on the sports pages of the local rag. Also on the local rags website.
  3. If I had read this in time we would indeed have tried to sort something out for you. Sorry
  4. On this weeks show (Thursday) we have a special event scheduled that will be of interest to Cradley and Birmingham supporters alike. We are auctioning a t-shirt of, a; proceeds go to the Ben fund. The shirt itself has the logo of both Cradley and Birmingham on as well as the signature of each member of both teams and team managers. In celebration of our opening night meetings. I will get a picture up of the T shirt as soon as I am able. Thursday night on http://sports-radio.co.uk at 8pm
  5. Seeing as this match is only a couple for days away thought it about high time a thread was started.
  6. On tonights show: Phil Morris on why he was prepared to put his money where his mouth is. Interviews with Sam Chapman and Tom Perry The Cradley view. Lucky Birmingham? sports-radio.co.uk
  7. Check out SRB (sports-radio.co.uk) tonight for after match rider interviews and also a new presenter to the show that wears the green and white.
  8. Check out the speedway tavern tonight. Some of your comments may well be featured. sports-radio.co.uk
  9. I am ashamed to say that I know very little about the NL. A lot of people seem to b4 saying this is a strong team. So my question to everyone is: Is this a strong team and why? I shall support the team come what may and will keep my fingers crossed that injury does not cause us problems.
  10. Its a shame that this thread, which should be dedicated to the fight to bring back the Brummies, has decended into farce and arguments. Shame on those of you joining in.
  11. Officially the worst year of my life. there is no loyaltyin the world. The is no trust in the world.there I is no point.
  12. The fighting fund is now at a staggering £8345.00 !!!!!!! Proud to be a Brummie.
  13. Actually they are spot on in what the say. And to add its worth noting that when the Brummies finally gave up the ghost they were NOT in the top division but in the second division.
  14. Fighting fund update. We have now collected in excess of £5600. :-)
  15. Interesting article on the sports-radio website: - http://sports-radio.co.uk/radio/archives/2180#more-2180
  16. For those of you accessing the donation page. the money shown there is only the monies donated through that page. the truer figure at this point in time is in excess of £4000. If this is not successful all monies will be returned to the donors or to the Speedway riders benevolent fund if that is preferred by each individual. Please understand that this is not to bail out the current owners and they will not see a penny of it.
  17. Have a word with webby on the Brummies forum. He knows how to do that stuff.
  18. Perhaps a visit to the Brummies forum and the thread thank you alan philips might be in order.
  19. With the news that Tony Mole has withdrawn his interest in Birmingham speedway I can come to no other conclusion than this is the end of Birmingham speedway. A small part of me is hoping this is wrong but deep down I know this is the end. This is the end of my speedway road too. I couldn't support another team when this happened before and I wont be able to now. Its just not in me to do so. So thank you to all the supporters from all of the different teams that have visited Perry Barr over the years since 2007. Thank you to all off the riders that have ridden in the yellow and red during that time. It was great while it lasted. I haven't joined in with the vilification of Alan Phillips that has gone on, on this and the Brummies forum. Most of it unjustified IMO. However it is a fact that the name of Phillips will forever now be associated with the demise of Birmingham Speedway.
  20. Sorry to be pedantic but i was literally 4 meters away. There was no contact.
  21. No he wasnt. (I stand on the first bend of the centre green so am a lot closer than anyone else.)
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