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Crazy robin

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Everything posted by Crazy robin

  1. So you are calling me a liar are you?. As for not going that is bollox as well so get your facts right!!. My friend told me what he thought & all I was doing was repeating it as he is a massive Swindon fan. Get your facts right first as yes I might moan but no way am I a liar!! Thank you Graham as I clearly state I didn't go to the meeting but was surprised by my friend & what he said.
  2. Rosco was at Coventry when Pawlicki missed a meeting so he could stay at reserve for the play offs though?. Please don't take that as a dig as it did happen & I'm not saying Rosco knew about it.
  3. Thanks for the kind words & no I don't go for as much for various reasons which is due to other issues. Have a good day.
  4. Only repeating what my mate said as never heard him like it before.
  5. My mate said it was atrocious that Swindon kept getting passed. He really is a massive Swindon fan & hasn't missed a meeting home or away for years & always sticks up for them. Not tonight though.
  6. If his average has dipped under 7 after tonight then he would've been riding to orders & won't be losing his team place. Depends if the meeting Troy got rid of from his rolling average was a high score. Look at Killer who only rode 2 meetings & his average dropped by nearly a point. I slaughtered Poole when they did it & no matter what Swindon say tonight it stinks to high heaven.
  7. The top scorer was also a guest who I still can't work out was even riding. 45 years I've supported Swindon & although not there tonight my mate is & he's just left as said he can't watch the antics of tonight anymore & won't be going again. He has followed the club everywhere & I've never heard him like he was then. Big answers needed off Rosco.
  8. If true then you're spot on as once again fans who paid tonight were cheated exactly the same as they were when Poole did it at Swindon. I certainly am not going to stick up for my team on this one. I also will not be cheering a Swindon team with Darcy in it.
  9. No as Nick & Kyle have done great this season & an off night from them was always going to mean something like this happening. Robins are in a flattering position & the problem at reserve when Charles is away is scary. Expected more from Lewis but the lad is struggling in the Premier lge as well & taking time to get over his injury from last season. Gonna have to win a few meetings away to get the points lost tonight back & I can't see that happening even with Darcy or God in the team.
  10. No real surprise as Robins can't get away with guests all the time. Trouble is a loss tonight & the play offs will be a distant figure so will changes be made then?. Adrian was always a risk & its biting us on the bum big time.
  11. It's got to be time that Hans is shown the exit door😉
  12. Maybe Greg could take lessons off Darcy on fighting, oh hang on I forgot Darcy has a glass chin😀
  13. Smarzlik looks more & more like a Seb Ullamek type who is poor when he doesn't gate.
  14. Agreed as it doesn't matter what points we have to play with as apart from Kasperzak I can't think of any other riders wanting to come here. That said neither does Kasperzak😀
  15. Its Darcy or bust for the teams who want/need to make changes as no other riders want to ride in Britain.
  16. Doyley has gone on record to say all problems have been resolved between them when he guested for the Robins earlier in the season. Dak has had how many guest bookings for us so can't see a problem there either.
  17. Just shows how the dearth of riders led Swindon into taking a chance on Adrian. Lessons have to be learnt from this season as the amount of guests/ rr has finally gone too far.
  18. Dak in for ???? & James Wright in for Charles.
  19. His short term deal has finished & just a quick question how has his average dropped so much?. I just want to watch the sport without this constant rule bending all the time.
  20. Is it any wonder fans are turning away or new fans give up quickly when nobody adheres to the rules. Is Killer banned for 28 days for witholding his services because that is the only way we should have a guest?.
  21. Dak guesting again & Killer is deemed to be the rider he replaces as club turned down in bringing Adrian back. Rosco says one of the top 4 might have to go as well to solve the problem so Darcy might be on his way after all.
  22. With all the problems at Leicester & no deal done yet for Jason Swindon should be telling Troy to concentrate on the GP's as Jason & Nick should be the future for the Robins from next season onwards anyway. Troy should be an Elite lge No 1 by now but hasn't kicked on even before his injuries. The only way to fit in Darcy would be to let Adrian & Troy go I think.
  23. The silence on Adrian or what we're going to do is a real worry.
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