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Crazy robin

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Everything posted by Crazy robin

  1. David said he turned down other clubs to come back to The Robins so will those places still be available now?.
  2. I just hope it doesn’t backfire as no other club would’ve let it happen.
  3. If he would’ve got a good average then Wolves wouldn’t want him anyway. Swindon stood by him when he had a high average & he did a deal with Wolves when his average dropped rather than stay & repay Rosco. Don’t like to see Nick struggling but Pete Adams deserves it for what he said about Nick at Swindon.
  4. Thought Pete Adams said “Nick needed a move as was stale at Swindon”. Well he’s really bombing it at Wolves & not all of it can be down to his wrist injury.
  5. Understand that but still seems strange that they are going to the same place. Maybe the best thing would’ve been to re-arrange when both could’ve been their.
  6. It was binned because as per usual it was fiddled by certain clubs & the man in charge of it gave the riders wrong positions in the draft so miraculously they could end up at those certain clubs. The best decision ever to stop it as it was another good idea corrupted as usual.
  7. Amazing that Doyley is going to be at Swindon but Rosco isn’t?. It makes the decision to let Nick have a spin on the new track last week very strange when he rides for Wolves!!!!!! A home win is all that will do & sending Wolves home with nothing.
  8. That surprises you as I hope they’re ashamed of themselves.
  9. Do you not think the clubs that have already held them didn’t lose money on it then?. What a total lack of interest in British speedway the owners of Poole have shown. How you can even defend this is beyond me as it’s one of the very reasons the sport is on its knees.
  10. Shocking that one club renegades on the deal. Poor show by Ford.
  11. Now that really would be a bottle job & only South Coasters do that.
  12. Great win for Poole & good to see that Ricky is rubbing Belle Vues noses in it.
  13. With Wolves winning easy at Peterborough Swindon will need to pick up an away win to get in the top 4.
  14. The big question is why has it taken so long as if Claus was available he was a much better bet than the poor guests we’ve had to endure. Welcome Claus.
  15. Well said as it’s gone on for too long firstly when Zach left & when Stefan got injured. A play off place seems further away than ever.
  16. No surprise that we got the usual 000 from the guest at no 7 although 3 at Wolves must be David’s highest ever score. Yes we’ve been very unlucky with injuries but we really haven’t helped our cause.
  17. The guests at no 7 have been way off what’s required at this level & the pack of real information about it especially Stefan’s return is very poor by the club.
  18. Betting that Nick has a good meeting after being surprisingly allowed to practice after Swindon’s home win on Thursday night. Who will get the big point in Heat 2 between Ellis & Ayres is as excited as I get with this guest at no 7 every meeting.
  19. Why is nothing being done about getting a rider at no 7 or just how long Stefan is likely to be out for?. I’ll be surprised if we get anywhere near the 35 point mark & I hope if Ayres does have a good meeting then he’s put into the team for the rest of the season.
  20. He chose to ride for Wolves this season so why let him practice so that he knows the track before they ride here?
  21. Kings Lynn again in such short space of time!!
  22. Get Ricky Wells in as there’s no one better that’s for certain & these gash guests are putting too much pressure on top 5.
  23. Can we fit Ricky Wells in at reserve as the guests Rosco gets are gash?.
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