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Crazy robin

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Everything posted by Crazy robin

  1. Good luck to Davey & to Leicester as they both need this to work.
  2. If Kildemand wanting to ride in Britain don't you think Swindon would've used him?.
  3. One bad meeting for Steve who has scored more points at both Premier League & Elite than Kyle & he's a worse rider. Not for me & nice that both teams supported Josh & Ellis in their rise to the top 5 by taking them out of their last rides😡😡
  4. Wolves would be mad not to make both those changes.
  5. Sweden let Andreas & THJ ride in div 2 when they were both in the GP's. If it's so easy money in the Premier League why isn't Adam Ellis doing it?. Oh forgot he gets even easier money riding in the National League.
  6. I would've lost a lot of money on Nillson & Lawson being Lakesides top 2 points scorers tonight. How good is it to have a No 1 who can win races😀. A good result & well done to all the boys & hope Stefan's bad luck is due to change. Fair play to Rosco giving him 4 rides as it would've been easy to give Rohan one of his rides.
  7. You could argue that speedway isn't a professional sport as team managers are part time & some of the riders have day jobs as well. Guess some riders have to do 2 leagues in their own country to make it a full time wage.
  8. I still can't understand that anyone believes these riders will come back to this country if we bent over backwards to their demands. They would only come up with a fresh list of demands!!.
  9. Surely if riders are not allowed to double up then you run the risk of them not being able to afford to race at all?. In Sweden all their riders are allowed to do it so why shouldn't we allow our riders?. Good luck to Craig who has tried to get rides in Poland & Sweden & it hasn't happened. Maybe if our promotors didn't let useless foreign riders ride in this country we wouldn't have a problem.
  10. I assume Eddie could move on if another team wanted him or he must be on a good retainer deal at Lakeside, which would be a surprise.
  11. Really surprised that Eddie did the deal with Lakeside as he isn't getting many rides for them.
  12. Maybe Chris should use his GP bikes then as they're quick enough?.
  13. Don't think Kyle Howarth has done anything at Poole since he left them. Just shows how strong Poole are at the Blue Groove with both their EDR riders missing & still beating a strong Wolves 1-5.
  14. One of the reasons he hasn't told Swindon that he'll help them out this season is because he wasn't prepared properly last season & felt gutted that he didn't do himself or the club justice. A bit like Chris Holder is doing at Poole this season.
  15. So if Adam is out of Poole's team for a long period who do they have as a guest for him, another FDR from the start of the season or a guest up to his average?. Why wasn't this sorted at the Agm!.
  16. Yes he is & your very welcome to him😀
  17. The top 5 are just a bit stronger than the rest but Kyle has been the reason why Poole have the edge.
  18. If Muddlo was any team manager then he'd have made Kyle Newman team captain as without him they are as bad as the rest.
  19. Nick is up & down like a fiddlers elbow.
  20. Don't think Swindon will make a change as Rosco will probably be saying that "there's improvement in this team" in October.
  21. They deserve to see fans stopping watching if they don't spend time on important decisions. Unbelievable!!
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