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Crazy robin

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Everything posted by Crazy robin

  1. Lots of pressure on Ellis Perks to rise to the main reserve as was the case with Zach last year. Hope it works out better for Ellis than it did Zach. Also Anders has done better than Jack Smith in the lower league so hopefully that scenario doesn’t happen as that was painful for all concerned as he was so out of his depth.
  2. Really hope it works out for Anders so with Adam surely the 6th rider then the last rider is the one we all want to know. No mention of the average Anders will have.
  3. Think it will be Anders Rowe followed by Adam & then makes us wait fir the last rider that no one knows yet.
  4. Good luck to him & at least he’s showing Wolves the loyalty he didn’t show us when he had a bad season.
  5. Adam has just tweeted something about Peterborough Panthers so hope that doesn’t mean he’s on the move.
  6. So that’s why all the other clubs were in for him then?.
  7. No loan fees for both clubs so a good deal all round. Glad Stefan has got a club as he deserves a break from injuries.
  8. Surprised David Bellego hasn’t been mentioned as a possible Tiger.
  9. Pickering, Stewart or even a fit Sedgy is not a bad rider to have a choice of. I can’t see that Ellis isn’t coming back as he would’ve been announced by another team in the same crowing way Wolves announced Douglas. I also hope that Adam is back as he has proved me wrong & was fantastic at the end of season.
  10. That takes me back to when Rosco kept him over a young Kasperzak.
  11. I hope Rasmus isn’t out of a job in 2020 because of his massive improvement in 2019. We moan that top riders don’t ride here then make it hard for the big improvers.
  12. Not the rider he was but will still be more than useful in British speedway & a welcome loan fee for Swindon Robins.
  13. As skidded said that was after the Peterborough meeting but all he said in the local rag was that he’d review things at the end of the season. On his average he would probably fit more than Rasser to have more points at reserve. When you think we started with Zach & Shanes in 2019 then with even Ellis at reserve we’d be a definite improvement.
  14. Sadly someone who doesn’t deserve to be left out will be & although you know it’s coming it gets harder with each rider named.
  15. Well that was a surprise & I really think that Rasmus will attain his average as he isn’t a Bellego who can only ride 2 or 3 tracks. Happy that Troy is back & with Adam & Ellis nailed on it will be interesting to see what Rosco has planned.
  16. I hope he returns then as still feel there is improvement in Tobi’s average & he is a big meeting rider as the play offs showed.
  17. Good to see Ryan getting his career back on schedule after losing his visa in 2018. Always hoped he’d end up at Swindon but fair play for him choosing a home track that isn’t easy for him as it will improve him.
  18. No thanks as want Adam to carry on as a Robin & Tobi if he wants to ride in Britain in 2020.
  19. Hope Nick shows you the loyalty of coming back after a poor season because he didn’t do it to Swindon.
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