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Crazy robin

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Everything posted by Crazy robin

  1. Guess that means no Jason if speedway returns this season then?. Can’t blame him really.
  2. Is it true that Nick Morris, Josh Pickering & Ryan Douglas all returned to Australia last week?
  3. Ride on a track that you know will be prepared very well or ride at Poole. Think that might also have something for the top riders to take in to consideration.
  4. Can’t blame any rider not wanting to ride at Poole as there have been many times that we’ve been told the track is better when it clearly wasn’t. Also surely a good crowd will turn up regardless of the lack of more top riders & that will mean more money in the pocket of Middlo. That isn’t a pop before I get accused of it.
  5. The top 4 of Swindon should be around the same average as they started with so if the bottom 3 don’t improve then it would be highly unlikely to retain the title. As you say improvement is something that is needed but so is maintaining their starting average.
  6. Will be looking forward to the return of Jason vs The Robins & hope he does well as the league needs it. It will be very interesting to see how he does & with Chris Holder not getting a visa there options were very limited.
  7. Must have meant he got a criminal record as how would domestic problems cause him visa issues?
  8. How does an ex World Champion struggle to get a visa?. Am I missing something?
  9. No Swindon riders were available as Tobi doesn’t want to start of riding in Britain.
  10. As a Swindon fan it will need the top 4 to get 40-45 points per meeting as I think the bottom 3 will struggle. I like Belle Vue & especially Ipswich if they get Chris Holder.
  11. Yes , never going to happen as in a lock up in Wales(allegedly)
  12. Stefan Nielsen is also a Swindon asset so 2 all now
  13. Don’t understand why an ex World champion has so many problems getting visa?. Has he been in trouble with the police?
  14. Good move for Ryan to conquer a small technical track like Wolves to move his career along as can already ride the bigger tracks.
  15. Swindon might struggle with the bottom 3 but they will be given a chance & then changes might be made like last season. Somerset went down the same route with a long tail last season & it didn’t work so roll on April where we can see on the track.
  16. Holder over Batch is a big NO from me as would take Batch every time.
  17. I would say that Pickering is slightly ahead of Jordan in Britain last season.
  18. I think Stefan has been given a rough deal over the years since becoming an asset as he could’ve been used before other options that were used. That said injuries have played a massive role & I expect Rosco wanted to make sure he was over his knee injury from last season.
  19. Out of the names mentioned so far assuming Adam is coming back then I’d go with Justin Sedgeman.
  20. How many of those points were from beating the lower reserves though especially in Heat 8?. People are just raising a concern as so many young lads dropped out in the championship because they weren’t ready last season. Anders was clearly a better rider than most but that doesn’t mean he’s ready at this moment. I just hope it works out for all concerned but it’s right to raise the question.
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