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Crazy robin

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Everything posted by Crazy robin

  1. Can't see that as not a lot will come from reserve.
  2. I hope for your sake it isn't as he's not been the same rider since his injury.
  3. There will be a few lads who are going to struggle but I agree with what you're saying as reserves have always been important before & that will be even more this season.
  4. They won't have a high scoring reserve this season like they had in 2013 which was a big help to them.
  5. Don't get upset about Jason at all but the way you always bring it back to money with him which if you know for a fact should be kept to yourself. I actually think it's a shame if he doesn't ride here in 2014 but as Troy has clearly said he had to wait in Britain till December to make sure his visa was sorted so Jason has only himself to blame by going back to Australia before his was sorted. The precedent was set before with McGowan, Masters & others before & as a result Jason looks like he's in trouble as he knew that. Rosco also has said that Jason would've been the first name in his team for 2014 but insisted on wanting to double up.
  6. I imagine it will be down to him proving his fitness as will be a lot cheaper on expenses living locally.
  7. I guess he'll have to be based in one of those countries as well?.
  8. Well 2 out of 3 ain't bad as the words "committed" certainly ain't one of them. Poor taste!!!!
  9. Coming from the biggest troll of all. Over 27 thousand posts. What a hypocrite you are!.
  10. Not saying it is but when some say the same thing on nearly every thread & only change the rider it does look pretty sad. I think we all know who that is.
  11. Skidder doesn't like Jason & will always make a reference to his alleged wage demands whenever possible.
  12. Rubbish as even the established British riders struggle to get rides in Poland, Sweden & Denmark so they will end up retiring early. What's wrong with a British rider being a heat leader in the Premier League & 2nd string in Elite League if that's what it takes to make a living out of the sport. Not every rider can be a Darcy but they still make very good speedway rider & as it's a team sport with a points limit they are still very much in demand. As you said in an earlier post though Steve they struggle to even get a slot in the big foreign leagues & it's impossible to ride speedway on a part time slot as employers won't want employees coming in for work knackered or worse still off sick with an injury. It all comes down to money at the end of the day.
  13. A connection yes but this still doesn't answer the original problem that Nick is left without a Premier Lge slot & I'd assume he would be pretty hacked off with Swindon if they've done a deal with Sheffield to not pursue him. All this leads to is Nick being stitched from all sides despite how happy the 2 clubs are. One pretty hacked off rider who's career is in need of doubling up which has now been taken away from him if Doyley gets a work permit.
  14. I replied to a post on this thread which you quote but that doesn't justify the way it has now gone although a post being answered by some in a certain way allows that to happen. Look at certain Poole posters & they say the same old things on nearly every single thread.
  15. I really can't see that the 2 things are directly linked as Nick is clearly going to be out of a Premier League place which was the whole reason this all started.
  16. What a surprise Poole fans take over another thead.
  17. Swindon 2nd & Poole 4th,I wish as Poole will romp the League if they stay injury free & can't see Swindon even making the play offs unless their 2nd strings have blinders. They certainly won't be scoring much from reserve that's for sure. Poole's to lose as top heat leader in Darcy, Shamek will be quality & then Magic & Josh will be good with Milik given time to improve. Then throw in the most experienced reserve in Kyle so Poole will be everyone's favourite to win.
  18. Yes that's right as Swindon now get to pick one of the 3 riders not originally picked to replace their original first pick in 2nd draft. What a great move. <personal abuse removed>
  19. I seriously hope I'm wrong though as we need the Brits coming through:-)
  20. It is sensible but imagine how some of these other lads are feeling this morning with how far they've got to travel just to ride in their home meetings. As long as it's consistent going forward then can only be a good thing.
  21. Pawlicki & Magic will make mincemeat out of Cook & Worrall on nearly every track apart from Eastbourne, Wolves & Belle Vue.
  22. Do you really think the 2 things are linked because it still means as it stands today that Nick has no Premier League slot which is what he wanted all along?. It is a logical & common sense move that will hopefully help a young British rider & seems to be within the rules set out when the draft system was done. Just a shame that it could start the ball rolling with other issues involving the other young lads. Was thinking the exact thing but thought it would open a massive can of worms because surely that would've been sensible in the first place with Ben & Steve swapping teams.
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