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Crazy robin

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Everything posted by Crazy robin

  1. Gonna be gone before that date then so looks like not just a rumour about him not riding at Belle Vue on Monday?.
  2. He's currently bottom of the list so gonna be hard to replace him.
  3. He got pulled up for one though as there was a re-run.
  4. For me there has to be a minimum time as well as a maximum time or it could be exploited in the future. So maybe 14 days minimum & 28 days maximum.
  5. I know & have always found it strange but then again I guess they've had the loan fees for him. Was only joking:-)
  6. The referees seem a lot less lenient on the riders moving at the starts this season & that will cause "roller" Cook major problems as he used to get away with it all the time. Surely Belle Vue will look at swapping him & Scott over as well.
  7. I'd be seriously fed up with Tai's scoring at the moment as for a No 1 it really isn't good.
  8. Amazing really how the no 2 & 4 are easier slots yet both Swindon riders had lowered their average.
  9. Agree totally & I imagine it was purely down to Dakota's average being closer to Nicolai's that he was the one to go. Swindon should've kept Doyley & either Killer or Batch as I can't see any improvement average wise in either of them or Nick really under the new format whereas Doyley has. One things for sure I imagine Simon has been told that he either ships up or ships out.
  10. A lot of travelling to do though Steve for 2 heats when all you're fighting for is 3rd place.
  11. At least you'll get a good pick next season. But then again I bet teams will suddenly make the decent riders assetts by then.
  12. Having just read Nicolai's 2 articles in the local paper he certainly doesn't disguise his dissapointment at being released but fails to mention how many times he's been beaten by a draft rider & that is the main reason for his release. Yes he's right that he's been made a scapegoat for the teams poor start but with 2 home defeats already something had to be done as fans would drift away & it was always going to be a straight choice between him or Simon. Was still on the end of an 8-1 though vs. Poole & that's not the first time it's happened to Troy on his home track.
  13. I can't imagine a lot of the lesser reserves are really enjoying it that much either as well as it must be destroying their confidence with every meeting.
  14. Well a month into the season & still nothing is being said & the rider merry go round has already started with Nicolai being released by Swindon.
  15. Must be hard to find fun where you come from then as all it was is a post trying to cause a disagreement & there's too many of them on here now sadly.
  16. Easy home win by 10 points for me as just can't see anything else.
  17. I see no problem with telling the truth & he's right as to many reserves just get 3 rides a meeting now & are just cannon fodder.
  18. I'm still waiting for an explanation of what's going to happen this season as a rider like Palm-Toft might go from a 3 to a 6 point average due to winning his 2 easier rides & as I see it can be replaced by a 6 point man from last season. Can't see how that is fair but no plans of yet to deal with it.
  19. No nothing wrong with that so don't see why you'd post it really.
  20. Never thought I'd ever stick up for Darcy but if that's what he thinks then fair play for saying it. He ain't the first to as Troy has said the same & he won't be the last. Riders like Kyle & a few others are what the draft is about but come on some are just never going to be Premier League riders let alone Elite League.
  21. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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