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Bradford Ace

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Everything posted by Bradford Ace

  1. Thats brilliant mate, thanks for that. I've now saved the sights to my favourites so i can keep an eye on all the new signings as & when they happen!! Regards, Jamie.
  2. Just a quick query re the post u very kindly added previously in response to my request for squad details for 2008. Does this link constantly update when new signings r added or do ya have 2 look 4 this info elsewhere?? Ta.
  3. Thanks a lot mate, thats a brilliant help & i feel like i understand it all now thanks to your excellent explanation. Only been to Poland once & that was to Wroclaw in 1992 for the World Final so am tempted to follow them, especially as they have my fave rider Jason Crump riding for them. I've always loved the Bydgoszcz track though when i've seen it on tv & as i'm going there for the GP in Sept them i'm tempted to follow them in hopefully a promotion season!! Many thanks again for taking the time to send such a great post. Regards, Jamie.
  4. Brilliant that mate so thanks a lot 4 that. Got a msg from Schumi that gave a link 2 the webpage u run which looks a brilliant one so hopefully i'll be keeping up2 date with the Polish League in 08. I think ur a legend, even if Drop a cog doesnt agree!!
  5. I've always sort of followed Polish League Speedway but as i'm going this yr 2 the Bydgoszcz GP, i've decided i want to follow it more closely. I'm going 2 pick a team 2 follow & then try & follow its progress via this website hopefully as the coverage is usually good. As we dont get that much news in England of the Polish League racing, apart from a bit in the Speedway Star each week, can anyone with (or without!!) Polish connections confirm the line ups for 2008 thus far?? Like most english clubs, the total teams may not yet be finalised but who rides 4 who will give me a better way of deciding who i'm gonna follow in Poland. Also, how does the squad system work exactly?? Is there a rule on how many foreigners (non Poles) each time can use in a meeting & how big are the squads. Cheers for the info anyone who is in the know!!
  6. Must say that i'm totally looking forward to my 1st ever visit this yr to Bydgoszcz in Sept. Been to Poland once in 1992 to see Havvy do the business in Wroclaw but think that the racing at Bydgoszcz is usually the best out of all the GP's. Even though i've only ever seen this one on tv, i'd defo recommend it this yr as the day after it there is the GP qualifier at Zielona Gora which is only about 4 hrs from Bydgoszcz so ya get 2 quality meetings in Poland all in one weekend. Been on a atag do in Poland as well & itts a very lively place to go these days so you'd be mad to miss this trip!! If ya fancy it, there's already a thread on here as a coach is being run from the GP meeting to the qualifier on the sunday and there's already a lot of interest in it so dont hang around!!
  7. Sadly i dont think thats true by giving a massive 6 points to the winner of the final..take last nite for example..Nikki P got 15 points from the meeting & then 3 from the semi to total 18..Crumpy got only 10 & was well off the pace followed by 2 from his semi..however, had he then won the final & Nikki was last in it, they would have both scored 18.. Nikki would have won 6 races & Jason just 2 so the theory of the guy who wins the most races ending up being World Champ is blown outta the water with that example.. Every1 always moans about the double points in EL racing being wrong & here Olsen is introducing it to GP racing. It cant be right surely??
  8. Without being 2 negative, i think the new points system is actually worse than last yr!! i thought the whole idea in Ole Olsen changing it was to try and make sure that one person does not run away with the title like Rickardsson & Crumpy have done over the last 2 years?? He has now changed it again but now there is an even bigger gap between last nights 4 finalists, as well as the rest!! If we went on last years scoring the leaderboard would be Nikki P on 25, Greg, 20, Jagus 18 & Crumpy 16 with only 9 points between the top 4 whereas now its Nikki P 24, Greg, 19, Jagus 14 & Crumpy only 12 so there is now a massive 12 points between 1st & 4th!! It seems to me with this scoring system that the gap could become even bigger and therefore the World Champ could be decided even earlier than previous years! I totally agree that the losing semi finalists should get points but why not just stick to the traditional 3,2,1,0 for the semi & then the final also?? This would surely make sure that one person doesnt break away from the rest as much as the maximum points anyone could achieve would only be 21?? The gap now between Nikki on 24 & the likes of Scotty & AJ is huge already & leaves the guys who failed to make the top 8 too far behind even after one round.. What do ya think??
  9. Nice 1.. i like to keep in touch with all the fixtures & results in Poland as well as Sweden. Do you know where you can get the full team line ups for 2007 ifor the Polish leagues, particularly the top division??
  10. Nice 1...do you know which of the "Days Gone By" series it is so i can look into buying it???
  11. Over the last couple of years i've managed to obtain literally hundreds of quality dvd's from ebay from the 70's & 80's which was when i first started watching our great sport. I've got footage from the old & great Belle Vue, Leicester, Birmingham, Cradley etc but none of these dvd's/videos ever seem to have anything from The Shay. Did anyone ever film there cos surely they must have done?? I know that in the early 80's that KM videos used to cover a lot of normal league racing so does anyone know where i can get my hands on some meetings from there?? Being an old Halifax Dukes fan, i have a few meetings featuring the Dukes but they're always from away meetings at places such as Kings Lynn, Eastbourne, Wimbledon & Belle Vue. If anyone has any footage from The Shay then i'd love to get my hands on a copy of it.
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