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Bradford Ace

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Everything posted by Bradford Ace

  1. Looks like kiss of death to our new stadium then if it ain't gonna be ready in 12 months time?? No idea why we can't have it elsewhere over here tho, why shud the worst track in the GP calendar get it for christs sake?? Absolute borefest there & surely they can't have the Czechs in the final, wud be a complete joke. Wouldnt want us in final either if it was over here. Ridiculous rule & proved so 2nite by the fact that the Swedes were also rans on their own track.
  2. Just watched last nights meeting & gotta say it was a pretty awesome GP. Think i'll be booking Copenhagen next yr!!! Agree with most of the comments on here. Pedersen acted like a big prat as always, loves dishing it out but when anyone comes within a hairs breadth of him he throws himself to the ground like an overpaid prima donna footballer!! One thing nobody has mentioned at all though is the 2nd semi. Dont know if i am missing something here but couldnt see at all why Emil was excluded?? He lost control on the back straight, wobbled, regained his composure & was sliding into turn 3 when Bjarne just wiped him out. Nothing seemed to get said much & they all just said Emil should go but why exactly?? Thought it was a shocking decision myself so wondered what others thought on it??
  3. Yeah, i've always watched the live meetings from the TVP sport website as the picture is always perfect & it barely ever buffers. For some reason this season so far its been blocked & other links r never as good so hope this is a permanent thing!!!
  4. Just seen this from a Polish website. Sounds like negotiations must be well under way, especially as they already mention a specific date for it. Gonna be a bit more expensive than our usual trips to Europe so better get saving & quick!!!!! http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=pl&tl=en&u=http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/2011/09/10/grand-prix-wraca-na-antypody/&usg=ALkJrhicOPWiBY79zzDwDmVbTXPYMPT2rw
  5. Rooboy just gone absolutely crackers in the pits & could have seriously hurt someone. Basically, him & G Laguta had a cracking race & were both quite hard on each other. Rory stormed thru on inside of Laguta who repaid the compliment & was quite hard on Rory but then coming off the last corner Rory went for the big swoop round outside & Laguta shut the door on him forcing Rory to shut off big style or hit the back of him. I could see it coming & was a bit hard but nothing u dont see every meeting. Rory went ballistic & chased Laguta into the pits which is really narrow and as they got to the end of the pit lane a couple of guys could see what was happening & tried to grab Rory's arm while he was still on the bike, so Rory basically let go of the bike & jumped off it & the bike skittled about 3 guys onto the floor!! He then had to be held back by a big group & u cud hear him f-ing & blinding while trying to hit Laguta!!! Not sure that would have been the best for his injured hand!! Eventually was dragged back to his pit area but not a happy bunny!! If anyone has sky+'d this then its worth a watch!!!! Was Heat 10
  6. Cracking meeting so far & about time we had a track wi some dirt on!! 1st one of the GP series so not before time!! Not sure if its just my Telly but the HD ain't working for some reason, just standard SS3. Anyone else got the same problem?? If so it must be the broadcasters & not my tv!!
  7. Throttle works both ways & AJ should have shut off as Povaznhy left him room but he kept going when there wasnt a gap & personally i thought AJ out or all 4 back. Bridger is a complete tool of the highest order. Giving it massive licks & spouting utter crap on Twitter & then gets his chance & is literally half a lap behind in every race. I mean he got binned off by his Polish 2nd Division team recently so shows he cant ride in Poland!! World class in his own mind but sadly in reality he looks like a novice & is being thoroughly embarrassed on track
  8. Totally agree mate Wud never ever pay money 2 go 2 this Gp, its the same tedious sh*te yr on yr. May as well forget shale in the GP's & just race on tarmac like the MotoGP cos thats the way its heading. Oh well, Champs League final starts soon!!!
  9. Shame as the camera work & coverage is great but spoiling it a bit for me so god sound down pretty low!! He's a slightly worse & more boring version of that clown that used to do Eurosport coverage, was it Chris Carter?? They have a facebook page do Premier so gonna compliment them on it but suggest they get a commentator with Speedway connections.
  10. Think he's talking about the irish guy doing the Premier Sports commentary. I dunno why Pearson gets so much stick cos he knows the sport inside out & u can tell he loves it. Yes he does shout but dont all commentators at all sports unless its say Snooker!!! This muppet has just called the pits the Service Garage!!! He obviously has never seen a meeting b4 & has all the stats, names etc in front of him & just keeps repeating the same old nonsense!! He's said at least 10 times that Janowski was 2nd in heat 1 when it was Davidsson!! He also keeps calling the helmet covers jackets!!! Fantastic camera work & coverage...absymal commentator!!!
  11. Think its Piraterna mate but he doesnt ride much over there & only seems to do 3-4 meetings a season. Must say its fantastic news for me as i have Premier Sports as i watch Aussie RL & it shows about 5 or 6 matches every weekend so for me was well worth the £6.99 anyway but think i'd have paid it for the Swedish League as usually they're decent meetings that i watch online. Gotta wonder what Terry Russell was upto buying the Polish tv rights & then failing to sell them to anyone?? Would have much prefered to see Ekstraliga meetings on telly rather than the Swedish League to be honest. not complaining tho & roll on tuesday!!!
  12. With the Polish season starting this weekend, any news on the tv rights for us Brits over here?? GoSpeed bought em last yr but all gone v quiet about coverage...Terry Russell said if he didnt sell them to a tv company that he would make the meetings available online Anyone heard about this as need my sunday afternoon fix starting this week!!!
  13. Anyone know whats happening re the TV rights for this season?? Didnt GoSpeed buy them & one of the Russell's was saying they were going to sell rights to a broadcaster or if not just have coverage on the internet. Heard nothing since then so would be good to hear some news that we'll able to watch the TVP meetings again. My sundays have never been the same since it all finished at Leszno last season!!!!
  14. Looks really good that mate & would certainly consider a flight over to watch a meeting with that team. Didnt realise it until a few days afterwards but saw Pawlicki jnr at Leigh Adams Farewell meeting at Leszno. Thought it was Shamek as was in same kevlars & helmet and wasnt until i saw all the heats listed on here that i realised it was the younger brother. Looked very impressive i must say.
  15. Without doubt mate yeah. Seen a lot of him in England last season & he was excellent. One of the main reasons the Elite League has gone crazy over last few weeks as well as Coventry were arguing about his average for 2011!!!
  16. Ouch, thats bad news mate. Oh well, at least we should win the league & return to the Ekstraliga with a trophy in the cabinet!!! rumours about Gapinski joining, is that right??
  17. Looking pretty awesome that mate so well chuffed. Thought they'd all be leaving after the relegation which would have been so unfair given that 1 injury ruined the season. Wozniak was looking good from what i saw of him so if we can get another decent Junior then promotion is looking good & really glad the likes of Walasek, Gizatullin & Kosciecha are staying as they owe us for last season!! Shame re AJ & Lindback but both were pretty crap last yr so not end of the world!!!! ps..is the Lindgren u mention Freddie or his younger brother??
  18. Was delighted to see Walasek stay as had a decent season & would be fantastic if Emil stayed as well & shud put us well on the way to promotion again - i'm a Bydgoszcz Polish League fan!!! Lindback was awful for us last yr & surprised an Ekstraliga club wanted him really so good riddance given he only shows flashes of brilliance and the rest of the time he's pretty useless..like when i saw him at home to Wroclaw last season!!! Any rumours of other signings for Bydgoszcz???
  19. Was lucky enough to attend this meeting & there was some great racing all day on a proper racing track, unlike the borefest the night before in Bydgoszcz which may as well have been run on the M1!! Must say Bydgoszcz's reputation as the best track in the world is in tatters now in my opinion. Attended the last 3 Polish Gp's there & they've all been very poor indeed. The only decent one was the "German" GP but will save that for another day as back to Mr Clean!! Abolutely awesome crowd in for Leigh and well deserved. If the capacity is 15,000 then there must have been 10,000 - 12,000 there as there wasnt many spare seats at all & was a fantastic atmosphere all day. How i wish we could see crowds like that over here for league meetings, never mind a Testimonial!! Still not sure what happened to Kolodziej in his last race as he was replaced by the reserve. Had a puncture in his previous ride but no idea why he pulled out of it & was v disappointing as he was the most entertaining rider there along with Dobrucki & Miedzinski. Dobrucki would have made the final but tried one outside swoop too many in his last ride & got sucked into the airfence & Miedzinski didnt read the script as he had the audacity to beat Leigh in his final ride in Leszno!! Holder & Crumpy were good value, as was Hancock & was a great day out for us all & defo made up for the lack of entertainment the night before!!! Will defo make the journey to Leszno next yr now to watch a GP there as think it'll be awesome.
  20. Lost Sopcast after Torun meeting & other streams are cr@p for me so gonna watch it again 2moro on TVP before the play off final here. Gotta agree re Kolodziej, should be in the GP series next season without doubt as been class everywhere this season. One question from 1st meeting, why didnt Wroclaw use Janowski in heat 14 instead of the very poor Bjerre (who is currently showing his Belle Vue form!!!!)..was Wroclaw's best & fastest rider by far & if they'd used him i think they'd now have the bronze medal
  21. Want Gollob to win it but SO want him to clinch it at Bydgoszcz as will be massive anti climax if he does it 2nite. Someone have a word with him in the pits & tell him to pull out of the meeting at the interval so i can see him clinch it in style in his own back yard, ha ha!!!! Harris flying so looks like there'll be nowt to race for at Bydgoszcz now. Maybe with all the pressure off everyone it could work into making it a belter as everyone will be nice & relaxed???? Hope so!!
  22. Gotta agree. Ward is a special talent & if Torun get rid of him then they could well regret it as every other club in the league will be after him. He might throw the odd strop but what is he, 17 or 18?? Give the lad a break, he's still a bairn & is an exceptional talent on the bike. Congrats to the Bulls who won the title today with an awesome display & with a top 3 of Adams, Hampel & Kolodziej then its hardly likely as all 3 have been on fire for most of the season. Personally i'm really chuffed for Leigh Adams who is the sports ultimate professional. Great to see him go out with a title under his belt as he so deserves it. Been a fantastic ambassador for the sport & especially the Elite League as he's never dropped us over here like a lot of the top stars have done. Just hope the weather improves over here so we can give him a good send off at BV tomorrow nite although not looking likely at this stage as it hasnt stopped raining for 2 days solid!!!
  23. Getting nothing on any links so far. Anyone else having problems??
  24. Me 2 mate & crap sporting day all round for me sadly!!! Cant believe ZG have got to the final as had loads of luck. Would never have beaten Gorzow if Nicki P wasnt injured & then all that on weds nite with Swiderski's bikes so their luck must be due to run out soon. Think Leszno will do em over 2 legs - certainly hope so as will be fitting way for Leigh Adams to end his career with a title in Poland.
  25. How come they clashed with the start times as usually its one meeting in full, followed by the other straight after?? Never seen it before when they go to a meeting at heat 6, especially when its such an important meeting. Looking like ZG v Leszno final at this stage & Swiderski's bike removal looking very costly from leg 1
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