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  1. One token black man does not necessarily represent the views of 47 million black americans! It is neither pathetic or ignorant to compare flags. The far right in Germany even today claim that they should fly swastikas because it it is their heritage. Calling people out just because they have expressed an opinion which is different to yours does not exactly make you or your opinion any better.
  2. The Confederate flag was used to represent those people who agreed and fought to keep slavery in America. It is still used today by white supremacist groups who wish to treat people who are not white as unequal second class human beings so I for one do have an issue with the use of this flag. Times have changed and we need to treat all people with respect. The European equivalent of the Confederate Flag is the Nazi swastika. Is it ok to fly Nazi flags at speedway meetings?
  3. Completely missed the whole point of this :-(
  4. Wroclaw - 1st August is confirmed on the SGP website
  5. Well in my opinion that is an appalling and pathetic comment to make
  6. Yes, I agree wit this. Every year their is lack of effort to race meetings in April, May, June and July and then everything piles up in September and October! British speedway needs regular weekly home meetings. The only gaps should be rain offs.
  7. I actually like the European and Overseas news. Keeps me up to date with results all in one place.
  8. I am neutral speedway fan of over 40 years and I was on the 1st Bend. No one was 'clamped' on the kerb. Watch the video. The point of contact was just slightly over half way across the track as I was stood directly in line with it. JBA did drift wider than he had done in the 3 previous laps however you could argue he was slightly in front, maybe. However, what is certain is that he did know that Worrall was on his outside and he did clip him. Not necessarily on purpose but certainly enough for Worrall to be offset and then with no where to go when the bike straightened up. Worrall looked really good up this point and proper #1 for Scunthorpe so I hope he gets better soon.
  9. Terrible idea IMO. Who decides where a rider rides and does he get to ride on his favourite tracks? Some tracks are great for overtaking and some are just 'gaters paradises'. People might also choose not to attend if it is a 'poor field' at a specific GP.
  10. I really disliked 6 man teams when we last had them. 6 quickly became 5 with R/R and someone in the team always has an off night or a crash and then you end up seeing only 3 or 4 riders.
  11. Well I disagree. It may well help non-speedway fans understand the league structure better because it is just like football (which is no bad thing). I do agree that it will not improve attendanaces or racing but that was not the reason for the name changes. Most fans on this Forum have been screaming out for years that we should change the names of the leagues, especially the so-called "Elite" league.
  12. Can't change broadband provider if you live in Hull - we only have one! (KComs)
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