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Everything posted by fatface

  1. I think we should be fair to those not wanting the Aussies to win and I include myself in that group. Its not simply down to any form of prejudice. Its just that with 3 of the world's best in their team, they were overwhelming favourites. Its human nature to get behind the underdogs instead. Also, imagine if the Aussies had won again, how boring. Variety is the spice of life, its good to have a different winner. Next year, we'll see if they can rise to the challenge and regain their title. It's a bit more exciting than seeing if they can win it for the fourth consecutive time.
  2. :? What's gone on here. ML's post has changed and a few have gone missing :? :?:
  3. I've seen a few disparaging remarks about the track for Saturday's Final on the forum. I have to say, from a spectators point of view, it delivered good racing and I liked it. There were different lines allowing riders to overtake inside or outside - that's what you want for good racing surely. Some riders might say otherwise. But, it seems to me, riders sometimes want a billiard table to race on, which allows little opportunity for overtaking. Cardiff seemed to get more praise from the riders than ever this year, and yet the racing was the worst its ever been.
  4. I think that has to do with the fact that Messrs Carr and Collins are representing Scottish teams, whereas the perception is that Team GB is really England, not helped by some of the Sky presenters referring to the team as England. Nowt to do with it RogH. The Scots don't need any encouragment from the media - trust me.
  5. Aye, but there is no Scottish or Welsh speedway leagues, no Scottish or Welsh speedway governing bodies. All clubs run under a British structure. Therefore it should be a GB team. Must say I'm amused at some of the typical Scottish comments around the World Cup. I'm English and live in Scotland and am used to this sort of thing. Funny, but you'll see them cheering their little "bravehearts" out for Peter Carr and Les Collins every week. :?
  6. Best make it a big pie. I think i should have a slice too. I wonder if the boys have had a look on this website, cos if they were looking for any more motivation, they'd have certainly found it here. C'mon GB!
  7. Nice in theory, but in practice its a big no-no. Imagine say an Australia v Slovenia match. It would be an absolute walkover and would be of little interest to anyone. The current format means there will always be at least two decent teams in each meeting and with TV people to please too, a meeting with 4 or 5 teams is always more attractive to an international audience.
  8. I went to Glasgow Speedway for the first time this year. They play the Police hit "Don't Stand So Close to Me" everytime George Stancl wins a race. Singalong and you'll get it...
  9. "The Magnificent Seven" - used to be played on BVs lap of honour at Hyde Road. "Fanfare of the Common Man" - played before tapes up at many places. Couldn't tell you who they are by though. :?
  10. Aye we have. But talking of Peter Collins, I was sent some old videos from the 70s/80s the other day from a kindly soul. And my God, I'd almost forgotten how brilliant he was. One race I watched was from the 84 Long-Track. PC went absolutely storming after Egon Muller, caught him and they rode shoulder to shoulder for a full lap at full throttle. Then PC gave him the elbow and won the race. Superb stuff.
  11. Preben Eriksen :twisted: Vaclav Verner :twisted:
  12. It was also sad to see him coming back in 1991, when clearly he was past his best. I remember seeing him in the early 80s going to Halifax and wiping the floor with Kenny Carter and doing the same at Belle Vue against Chris Morton. Not many could do that, British or not.
  13. In a strange sort of way it is a compliment when people talk of Mike Lee as a wasted talent. After all, he won the lot - World Final, World Pairs, World Long Track, British Final, World Team Cup. So, when people say he wasted his talent, they are saying he had such rare ability that he could have won all of the above again and again and again.
  14. Oil of Olay ML. I've read a lot and those guys mentioned all come across well, both in terms of their records and abilities.
  15. Would've....could've...... Obviously Nigel Boocock is an all-time hero for Coventry. But his record at the very top level cannot compare with the likes of Peter Collins, Peter Craven, Jack Parker, Mike Lee, Freddie Williams. I'd love to say Chris Morton - he's my all time hero - but I'll judge this with my head not my heart.
  16. Not that can of worms again......... :roll:
  17. The best I have seen would have to be Peter Collins, but I'm sure there will be a pretty convincing case for the other PC - Peter Craven.
  18. 1. R Sullivan 2. J Crump 3. T Rickardsson 4. L Adams
  19. A 16-year-old Joe Screen made a cracking debut as I remember - winning a couple of races for the Aces. There was lots of hype around another 16-year-old - Paul Dugard, but he never really looked the part.
  20. Welcome Leg Trailer. Or should we call you Aladdin? Gem is dead right. That's a gold mine you have up there. Speedway certainly has its share of collectors, check e-bay - you'll be amazed at the speedway stuff on there. And priceless as it is to you - that England jacket would certainly fetch a tidy sum.
  21. But now they have discovered speedway it is likely to stay surely? I think speedway should gain from the tv exposure not BSI! The money BSI make from tv rights revenue should go to the speedway authorities for the advancement of speedway, not into their coffers, mind you BSI have made sure that nobody gets their hands on the rights until summat like 2020!!!!!!! Trees - if you can find an organisation that puts World Speedway back on TV and puts our sport back into the World's great stadia and then wants to give all the money earned away, please tell........
  22. No Trees, BSI aren't the be all and end all. But if I was to choose between the organisation of World Speedway Championships pre-BSI and now. I'm firmly in the present. Pre-BSI there was no TV coverage of the World Championship, now you moan that BSI are taking some money from TV companies for getting our sport back on the box. Don't you think they deserve some credit? :roll:
  23. So that would mean the British GP back at Coventry. As decent as Brandon is, it is not Ullevi or Millenium Stadium is it? Let's look forward not back.
  24. Must admit that it was a pricey old weekend. I'm off to Prague in September and early calculations are that it will be be a similar price to Cardiff, if not cheaper. If the racing is better in Prague - and chances are it will be - guess where my regular GP trip will be to :?: :roll:
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