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Everything posted by fatface

  1. Its all gearing up to be the most exciting finale yet in GP history. Much as I would like to see Nicki win, I have to say that Crumpy has really proved his mettle to me this year and would be a very worthy World Champ. Whatever the outcome - one thing is sure. On that tight track with everything yet to play for, I think we are virtually guaranteed to see some first corner "incidents" and a quite a bit of controversy here and there.
  2. Some more: 22 - Knudsen, Andersson 25 - Olsen, Penhall (classic race) 26 - Knudsen, Lee, Muller 27 - Knudsen, Penhall (double classic race) 47 - Mike Lee, Martin Ashby :?:
  3. 16 - Crump, K Moran, Nielsen, V Verner 10 - K Moran, P Collins
  4. 23 - Muller, Gundersen, Ross, Jancarz? 43 - Graeme Stapleton (fairly sure), David Gagen (stab in the dark) 50 - Les Collins at PC Testimonial 1980 (how nerdy is that? :roll: ) 44 - Benny O'Rourke? 46 - Wayne Jackson, Steve McDermott?, John Barker
  5. My Dad still has the old Betamax somewhere - complete with its clunky eject facility out of the top of the machine. I swear it will be worth something one day.
  6. Sigalos-Peter Collins-Wigg-King. England v USA, 2nd Test, Swindon, 1983, 58-50. The powers of my anorak are particularly strong on this one, cos it was the first speedway video I ever owned and I watched it endlessly. It was a betamax too.
  7. Very intelligent and well put case you've made there Tom. And I think I have to agree with you, particularly on Andersen, Max, Dryml. In selecting the six, it must be a case of weighing up both who merits it and who is most marketable. I just hope the latter factor doesn't mean the series carries a untested German at the expense of someone like Mark Loram.
  8. I think that the riders are big boys and whilst they may occasionally get over-the-top criticism on the forum, they also get plenty of over-the-top praise here too. Anyway, if anything grossly unfair is ever written, its normally quickly followed by condemnation by plenty of other forum members.
  9. I think Dryml, Loram and Jonsson are all likely to get the nod. Not only are they all damn good riders who have had some bad luck this year. But - and perhaps more crucially - they are big favourites for the TV boys.
  10. Nicki has no chance if you are going to start making up crashes he has caused. He didn't even ride in the country till 1998. Christ im surprised Nicki hasn't been blamed for starting the war, third world debt and Paul Daniels. Quite right Skittle Face. No doubt about it, Nicki is a hard rider. I was there on Saturday and he did nothing wrong. Yes he made an attempt to stop Adams coming past, but these are the best riders in the world racing for the World Title. I expect and even want the racing to be hard. In the final, Tony drifted towards Nicki on the first lap right in front of us. That's not unfair, that's just the nature of the game. Nobody asks nor gives a quarter. Like him or not, Nicki Pedersen he is one of the sport's characters and gets people talking, thats what the sport needs, surely?
  11. Just back from Prague myself. Me, girlfriend, Daddy Falcace and Mummy Falcace had a cracking time. Gorgeous city and a great night's racing (excellent firework show afterwards too). Will definitely be back.
  12. Sad news. I rememeber fondly my trips to the Shay, where he would introduce the home riders almost as if they were heavyweight boxers "Flyer Wyer!" "Tiger Louis!" RIP
  13. How cool (or hot) would it be if they staged a GP in a popular holiday destination, say Majorca, Tenerife, Lanzarote? People could enjoy a week away with a GP thrown in too. Sun, sand, sea, sex and speedway.....aahh!
  14. PF. No all fans didn't stay at home and I have the greatest sympathy for Gredon and Raquelle. Raquelle even got the chance to speak to the Race Director - who to his credit - was willing to speak at length with a fan about the situation, at a pretty difficult time. There are few others who have owned up to going though. And if BSI hadn't shook up the sport and got Speedway back on the box on live primetime, maybe they'd all be joining you on a Saturday night for a nice mug of horlicks and an episode of Kojak.
  15. :roll: Do you honestly believe BSI makes or loses millions on each Speedway Grand Prix? Unless you are talking Polish Zlotys of course. Personally I think it was a cock-up on Saturday. But it is not the first time and won't be the last that a big sporting event has not been able to go ahead on time. At least the organisers are acknowledging they let the fans down and are doing something about it. Is there anybody out there who did actually attend last Saturday or are you all just p***ed off that you couldn't sit back and watch another televised GP - which you would never have beeen able to do anyway if it wasn't for BSI :?:
  16. Just to say thanks for people's guidance on this. Got the e-tickets in the ned and didn't have to send any photocopies of passports etc. off at all. Me, ma ladee, mum and dad will be in Grandstand C - can't wait!
  17. I think it was Troy who had a bizarre World Championship one year (1989?) where he was eliminated about three times on his way to the final, but sneaked through the backdoor each time as a reserve.
  18. Can anyone suggest a good way to get tickets for the Prague GP? Got my flights/accomodation, but no tickets yet. I had a look at the official site, but i didn't like the idea of still having to post photocopies of passports out to the Czech Republic before getting our tickets confirmed. Any suggestions?
  19. Just because I'm pleased a new team won it doesn't necessarily mean I don't appreciate the talents of the Aussies. If anything, I'd still say they are the best team and if the World Cup was run as a GP series, they would absolutely storm it. Sweden just produced the goods on the night. All I'm saying is that in its third running ever, it is good for the wider interest of the sport to have a new winner. It is the sort of thing that breeds rivalries. You refer to Borg - bit before my time - but really wouldn't his standing in the sport be diminished if it weren't for the likes of McEnroe and their battles?
  20. Good to get the endorsement of a rider - thanks Steve. Also, Gem your post sort of confirms what I suspect. Brandon seems like a great track to ride, but not a great track for racing.
  21. Unlike many other sports, it seems to me that speedway - or British speedway at least - doesn't bother with coaching much. Why? I think Louis Carr has some sort of youth development role with the BSPA. But I'm talking about with EL/PL Teams and GB as well. Many are advised by team managers who have never even ridden a bike. I thought the Brits battled well with limited resources at the World Cup. But looking to the future I see the likes of Simon Stead, Chris Harris and David Howe and it doesn't fill me with a great deal of hope. I think they are all talented, but are missing one or two vital ingredients. Wouldn't it be good if they could turn to someone - say Peter Collins - who really help them move in the right direction. As it is, it seems like these guys have to make it despite, rather than because of, the system.
  22. Agree totally. The promoters regulate themselves - that's just crazy. Can you imagine in football if Alex Ferguson had a direct influence on things like players suspensions, transfer windows etc. :? Question is, are the promoters willing to give away their power?
  23. I'm always surprised at supporters who don't like a track that delivers plenty of overtaking. Yes, there were a few ruts, but this is off-road motorsport, not road racing. Easy tracks make for poor racing. Stick someone in front of the TV who has never watched speedway before, ask them which they found more entertaining, follow-the-leader from Cardiff or the chopping and changing at Vojens. It was also a track that sorted out men from the boys. Take Crumpy's burst from the back for example - he couldn't have done that on a billiard table track.
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