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Everything posted by tocha

  1. That is not entirely true. The seeded 8 riders were introduced during the couse of the first elimination races to establish gate positions and heats for the main event. However, the most important factors are for good weather, a full house, and ginormous amounts of money for the cause. Less than 9 days to go now. Can't wait!
  2. How did you do that? If you have 16 riders over 20 heats, each will meet just once over the course of the meeting. With 20 some will not meet over 20 heats. In an earlier post I, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, suggested that Len run his old 'Champions Chase' type event. However, with the numbers getting closer why not adopt the seecond version of the GP series (pinched in part by Ole Olsen). You just have to seed 8 riders who do not enter the competion proper until the field is reduced to 16.
  3. Maybe Len should be running it on the 'Champions Chase' format with 32 riders, which was successful in the early 70's at Hackney.
  4. Just out of interest has anyone realised that March 14th is 'Mothers Day'.
  5. I, personally, don't know James but, obviously, he has upset you sometime. Care to enlightlen us?
  6. If you don't like it don't come, but you weren't anyway I guess. For me this is part one of a great weekend with the 'Under 21 World Cup Final' the following day at Rye House.
  7. Well this is Foxhall Stadium after all and I have been watching speedway here of and on since 1998. Seldom has there been any atmosphere. I believe this is partly down to the noise restrictions they have which prevents air horns which in turn seems to have a calming effect on the spectators. There is no doubt that once riders exit turn two the order they are in then is the one they finish with. What disappoints me, though, is the apathy of the crowd. I was there with my son tonight on the back straight. but very quickly realised that when the riders came on the wind-down lap it seemed that we were the only two applauding the riders. We seemed to be amongst a group of waxworked figures most of the time. If I had been in possession of a mirror I might have been tempted to pass it around to see if any of them were still breathing! Finally, when are you going to rid of the excruciating Bryan Knights? There, that will get you going. lol.
  8. It could be that the Rye House challenge on 16th October does not take place either. Following their aggregate victory over Sheffield tonight in the Young Shield competition they move on to the next round where they have been drawn against Scunthorpe. They cannot ride the away leg next Friday as Scunthorpe are already riding against Kings Lynn in the second leg of the PLKO. Therefore, unless Scunthorpe are prepared to run a double-header (doubtful) or run on a different night (almost as doubtful) Rye house will be there on the 16th.
  9. It is repeated Sunday 7am in its entirety. Therefore just record it then and settle down in the evening and view it as a 'live' event.
  10. Thanks. Heat one looks like a good scrap for 3rd place!
  11. Please note that Latvia are two hours ahead so the SKY transmission starts at 5pm not 6.
  12. 21 pages on Charlie Webster, but if i could have 21 nights with her I could then die and go to heaven or, whatever the almighty has in store. However, it is unlikely that I could last the distance!!
  13. Heats 22 to 25 are on youtube. The links are on the 'SWC final' thread page 23.
  14. Very grateful. Thanks ladyluck, wish you lots'a'luck. Now can England hold their luck at Lords tomorrow!
  15. Saw the meeting up until heat 15, then had to go out so set the video for the remainder of the meeting allowing an extra hour to take account of any delays. Not enough, unfortunately so only got as far as heat 19. No repeats it appears. Any of the subsequent heats on youtube etc. does anyone know?
  16. I hope that Tai has learnt from tonight. The first thing he will have observed is that you cannot afford to gate poorly then put in wimpish first bend. He has been able to get away with poor starts in the PL but at this level it is a different story. Perhaps he can learn something from Lewis in how to mix it with the 'bigboys'. Maybe the time he (Lewis) has spent in the EL has sharpened him up. Tai has bags of potential but he has to move to the next level. I believe he is a quick learner and has not, in the past, been slow to adapt. He, now, needs to seek advice in order to sharpen up his starts. There must be a formula, otherwise why are the Danish riders, in general, so fast out of the traps. Therefore , why can they do it and we can't? The last thing we need is another 'David Howe' situation. Bags of talent as a youngster but not fulfilled.
  17. Before posters decide who did what to who, look at the entire incident frame by frame if you can. Then decide.
  18. Before anyone judges either the Sayfutdinov/Nicholls fracas then the Chris Harris exclusion in the second semi-final I challenge you to study both in their entirety, if you have the recording that is, by watching them in slow motion frame by frame. Very revealing I think. Also, something I hadn't noticed before was how unevenly the tapes went up in that heat. I haven't studied any other starts in such detail but if this was the norm perhaps that was why the outer gates produced more wins.
  19. I expect that Emil will get the fine paid for him but I doubt that Scott would. Also he would have to add that to the fine will receive in turning up late for the Swindon match last Thursday. £300 seems to be the going rate!
  20. Well done Tai on winning last night's round in Hungary. He must have a real chance now that Saifutdinov will not be able to defend his title. Also good to see Lewis getting through as well.
  21. Regardlless of form I expect or fear, depending upon how he does over the next few weeks, that Nicholls will line up at Peterborough. He will be joined by Harris, Richardson and Woffinden with the final berth given to either King, Kenett or Bridger. Whoever rides they will have to at least finish ahead of Slovenia but with a Zagar inspired team this might not be quite as easy as it appears and I expect the fast starting Ferjan to be in the side despite the fact he was omitted from the qualifying round. To beat Australia and Poland is a big ask. Australia will have, probably, Crump, Adams, Sullivan, Holder and Schlein whilst Poland may be a mix of native Poles and licence holders, ie., Gollob Hampel, Holta, Saifutdinov and Ulamek. On a more general note, there was an article by Mark Loram in this weeks' Speedway Star outlining what we all know - no good riders coming through although he does cite Tai as looking better than recent predecessors. He then goes on to say that, although he has been linked with the GB set-up he has yet to hear anything official. However, from his personal point of view he planning a comeback.
  22. I'm astonished that it has taken 7 pages of thread before any one came up with that. You could also add:- 'Better late than never although some say better never late.'
  23. Don't compare Millard to a class act that is Murray. Hope he will be part of the commentry team at the Silverstone GP now that the BEEB have it back.
  24. Was your second paragraph 'tongue in cheek' Steve?
  25. Scott was so far adrift that it looked as if the meeting reserve had been drafted in. On a more general note, before each season has started recently I have been upbeat about our chances in the SWC. As things stand at the moment I am not even confident that team GB will even qualify for the play-offs.
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