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Everything posted by tocha

  1. Justice finally done as one of the most exiting riders of modern times wins the title. Also, well done Bomber who now moves up 15 points ahead of the rider in ninth place. It is now a big ask for any of the persuing group, Andersen, Jonsson, Pedersen and Lindgren to overhaul him or even Holder for that matter. This could result in tricky situation with regard to wildcards. Kolodziej was assured of a pick if Lindgren finished in the top eight but, as this is unlikely to happen, he may now miss out unless the organisers are happy to have four Poles in the series. Then, what of Denmark - will they get two wildcards. If they do then they will be obliged to offer one to Jonsson as well. Sayfutdinov will be in, I am sure. Now, though they have the opportunity to seed a second Brit. It won't be Tai, who has been largely out of his depth and the pick came at the wrong time. Lee Richardson is the obviuos choice but he has just transferred to Lakeside, a Friday night track and a promotion who wish do not wish to stage meetings other than on Fridays.
  2. Although it didn't, this was one of the worst decisions by a ref whether on TV or not. Only decisions by that Polish ref (name escapes me} can come close.
  3. Also, Kennett. He was in the short-track meeting at Rye House today. Finished runner up to Aiden Collins and ahead of series leader Pete Boast.
  4. They were both down for a long time. At one point there were three ambulances in attendance. Eventally James made his way to one of them, arm strapped whilst Marc was taken by stretcher to another. Word is broken leg but we await confirmation. One, or both were in extreme pain and could be heard as far as the main grandstand. Also, and this is puzzling, two police officers entered the stadium then climbed into each ambulance in turn and seemed to be conducting some sort of search. Anyone know why they were there? Anyway, best wishes to both James and Marc for a speedy recovery.
  5. You have to wonder if SKY are losing interest in this competion. SKY sports 1 are showing rugby league play-offs followed by Big Fight special featuring a Nigerian boxer v a Russian. 2 have US open tennis - fair enough. 3, half hours worth of 40 over cricket then a selection of magazine programmes whilst 4 the third day's play of a golf tournamount in Illinois followed by Spanish league football.
  6. I have to say this was one of the worst meetings I have ever been to. I arrived at 12.15 and, although I spent time before tapes up visiting different vendors whilst looking out for a couple of friends who wouldn't be able to arrive a bit later, I don't recall the track being watered. Of course, once the first race was under way clouds of dust emerged. And why the ridiculous delays between races, especially, early on. As I recall, after one hour, four heats had been completed. A very tedious afternoon which made yesterday's EL pairs meeting look slick and exciting! Congratulations to Denmark, who, have confirmed that their production line continues, Commiserations to Sweden, who, fell away after having got close mid-meeting, and well done Poland in adapting to such an alien circuit. As for GB, Lewis rode well but in only every other race and bit of a laughing stock that whenever he wins we all have to endure his overstated lap(s) of honour, Josh Autey, who doesn't gate but is a fighter which didn't work on the track he was presented with. Then there is Joe Haines, a rider who is usually quick if he makes the start but trails at the back if he doesn't. Of the Kyles, Newman worked hard despite being out of his depth whilst, the Hughes version, might have not bothered to turn up. Not for the first time does he arrive with bikes that don't work. I daresay Phil Morris will take some stick as team manager. Phil is an intelligent and articulate man who, as yet, has not acquired the skill of turning a sow's ear into a silk purse. Overall, if Tai had been fit we might have challenged for the Bronz medal but no more.
  7. I'm afraid you missed something Nobby. There was, also, no column in which to insert the total points scored by each team following the qualifying heats. In other words the programme was absolute crap. As they say: 'A monkey in a three-piece suit could have done better than that.'
  8. They have now: http://www.british-speedway.co.uk/news.php?extend.8622
  9. Kauko Nieminen is Finnish Champion. Are you arguing a case that he should be in the series next year as well?
  10. I am not sure what you are saying Bryn. Do you mean that all next year's line-up should pre-qualify? Anyway, well done for standing in for Craig on Saturday. I think Peter Juul is Peter Juul Larsen though.
  11. I have no qualms about Emil being in the series next year in fact I hope he is. The point of my post was to consider what sort of strings could be pulled to get Harris in. They cannot use the GP challenge route this time so the finishing order in the series might be manipulated. Mind you, as a last resort, they may try use the fact that Harris finished 6th on Saturday then argue that they couldn't put Zorro or Jonasson's names forward because there are already 3 Swedes in it!!
  12. I wonder what criteria will be used to get Harris into the GPs next year. Last year the authorities selected the GP challenge route selecting both riders who finished in 4th (Lindgren) and 5th (Harris). However, unless he gets in to the top 8, they will have to opt for a different strategy this time. If we assume the current top eight are still there at the end of the series then add the GP qualifiers who will be the final four. To begin with I cannot see either Pedersen or Hancock being left out just as I do not envisage any of the current top eight being left out either should they fall out of the pack although it could be a tight decision between Jonsson and Zetterstrom. To achieve this it is my guess that they will select the next riders down from the final eight. Therefore, if Harris finishes no lower than 12th he should be in. Of course it will allow them to balance things up by giving the final spot to Kolodziej which is no more than he deserves. I have left Sayfutdinov out of the reckoning. If he had made a sucessful return and put decent performances for the rest of the season I imagine he would have been selected next year but Gollob has seen to that now. 1 gollob 2 hampel 3 crump 4 holta 5 bjerre 6 holder 7 andersen 8 jonsson 9 laguta 10 lindback 11 lindgren 12 pedersen 13 hancock 14 harris 15 kolodziej
  13. The sooner we accept that Britain is no longer an elite speedway nation the better. The reason is quite valid. There are too many other high profile sports in this country to compete against. Poland claims Speedway to be their no.1 sport. I suspect, in reality, it is on par, or just second to football. In all probability, it is the same situation in Denmark. Whatever, they are high profile sports in their respective countries. They don't have to compete against other major events. In other words, I don't see them involved in world class cricket, rugby, tennis, golf, or staging top league PL football or being the mainstay of formula one etc. Without doing any detailed research, I doubt that it ranks within the top 30 sports in the UK and is, to all intents and purposes and, despite the efforts of SKY SPORTS, a forgotten sport. I cannot help but notice that most young British riders entering the sport are only there through junior grasstrack, because their dads used to ride, or both. Because Speedway is marketed poorly, why would anyone think of becoming a rider if they do not know of its existence! (This does not excuse, of course, the continuous influx of Australians who succeed for no other reason than being Australian and who take to sport like ducks to water!).
  14. I have complete sympathy with Tai. He is having a difficult year after the death of his dad. Also, owing to the lack of credible British candidates, he is plunged into the SGP series before he is ready just to suit Sky who want two British riders in the competition. I guess their thinking is that just because Emil had such a sensational debut season so can Tai. However, Tai does not have the financial resources that Emil has. He doesn't have a collection of bikes at his disposal hence he had to ship his own out to Gothenburg then rely upon borrowed equipment in order to line up for the semi at Sheffield. Then, of course, there is the abandonment of the Sheffield meeting from which Tai may well have qualified (although on Jonno's bikes this could always be a bit of a lottery!). Now, I want you to think very hard about this. Can you imagine that on the eve of a SGB, say at Cardiff, that in Poland or Sweden their governing bodies would insist that their GP riders take part in a meeting on the prior Thursday in their home countries. I somewhat doubt it. No wonder, and not just in Speedway, that so many successful sports men and women have gained their successes in spite of the system rather than because of it.
  15. Even more similar is this crash at Rye House between Luke Bowen and Tomas Topinka. (Its from Anglia News so you have to watch the ad. first) http://www.itv.com/anglia/high-speed-crash-drama51719/
  16. Even more similar is this crash at Rye House between Luke Bowen and Tomas Topinka. (Its from Anglia News so you have to watch the ad. first) http://www.itv.com/anglia/high-speed-crash-drama51719/
  17. Scott's in great form at the moment and is my tip for the championship this year. Presumably he would then get the wild card for Cardiff and maybe win it just as Hans did a few years ago especially if Tony Olsson can prepare a proper racing circuit.
  18. Thanks for the videos. Try signing up to http://www.webshots.com put you album there then post the link.
  19. I have to say I find it awkward to criticise Len bearing in mind what he has contributed to the sport over the numerous years he has been involved and, I think, this is partly the problem. If a new promoter turned up and presented the type of racing surface or presentation we have witnessed during the past year or so, not just Sunday, fans would have voted with their feet. As for Bryn being dropped in it as announcer, it is unlikely it would have been a great deal better if he had known in advance. Bryn is a great bloke, another loyal supporter of the sport for years, but his presenting skills are about as good as mine, (although better than the excrutiating Bryan Knights who announces at Foxhole lol!) As for the racing surface is the problem the fact that it is laid upon what was the old stock car track, ie., concrete/tarmac. If it is, by putting down plenty of 'dirt' might make the situation worse and dangerous creating patches when unexpected grip could launch riders straight through the safety fence. I do not know as I wasn't a visitor in the early days but, perhaps, more diehard supporters could clarify.
  20. Well it might have been worse Bryn. They could have had me!
  21. I had looked on the Witches website which includes a comprehensive news archive. Going back to the end of last season, I could find no reference to the event but, in this week's Star, Chris stated that a tentative date for 27th March was considered. I think it more likely that it was felt that the track would not be ready in time rather than any intervention by other promoters. The fact that the initial challenge match against Lakeside has been put back a week may be relevant. Incidentally, I am very impressed by the current Ipswich website in general.
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