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Everything posted by Boothers

  1. Quite happy with this signing purely because it wasn't 'the usual suspects'. Had a similar thing happened this time last year the new signing would have been guaranteed to have been one of two riders. Good luck to Coty as a Bear and lets make it as difficult to bring Toby back as possible (if you know what I mean).
  2. Is there any news on the 'Get your name on the fence' initiative that Kevin has mentioned in the past?
  3. Having just caught up with some of this thread can I just point out that at the time of Lasse Bjerre's disagreement with JBA at the 4TT weekend Lasse's average for 2016 was 6.11. At the seasons end he was averaging 6.49. So if he was deliberately dropping his average he wasn't making a very good job of it!
  4. Dont believe there is any animosity on either side anymore. There may have been after Rob was initially dropped but plenty of water has flown under the bridge since I'd like to think.
  5. Yes it's just personal opinion and believe me I'm not knocking Rob. Very pleased that he's finally reaping the rewards for all the hard work he's put in over the last few years. It's just that having seen most of his 35 matches round the STMP and Tobias' first 8 matches I would rather have Tobias in this years team.
  6. Having watched Tobias this year he was a 'yes please' from the majority of Bears fans (far ahead of Branford, Morley etc.) Even with the 'easier' reserve rides I can't see Richard Hall relegating Tobias to a reserve berth. That's the gauntlet thrown down Richard - prove me wrong!
  7. Sorry I forgot to put a smiley face on the last two. Thought it would be obvious that my tongue was so far in my cheek that it was licking my earlobe.
  8. Track was changed from 266 metres to 271 metres prior to the 2008 season. The promoter that year was ................ Glyn Taylor!
  9. Whilst acknowledging that this is a pointless exercise (Sorry Son!) I'll go along with it as regards some of those named so far:- Bellego - Yes please. JBA - Yes please. Busch - Yes please. Skidmore - Probably. He's popular and seems to have no problem with 'Da Management'. Inconsistent though which is a shame because I actually believe he's a better rider than he thinks he is - if you know what I mean. Jorgensen - Oh how I'd love him in a Bears race jacket. Should have happened 2 years ago. Hansen - Good signing for someone. Don't think it will be the Bears though! Berge (2016) - Yes please. Berge (2015) - No thanks. Sarjeant - No thanks. Didn't see his last (and best) match at the STMP but statistically is very poor round Redcar and we really should be concentrating next year on building a team which can at least win all our home meetings - and I could do without all the restarts. Branford - Unsure. Statistically weak again round the STMP but has fared better in his last few meeting here this year. Would probably also have proved a better number 6 than those that we used this year. Bjerre - I'd have him back (honest). But as it appears to be 3 against 1 common sense says it isn't going to happen. He's a steal for someone. Others not mentioned. Bach - Ain't gonna happen - only came back to Britain so far as I can see due to the money dangled in front of him by Glasgow and as everyone knows.... However one of the best riders of the STMP without a doubt. Wells - If the worst happens at Workington (and I'm certainly not wishing it on them - exactly the opposite) would be a good signing. Good value round the STMP (apart from 3 poor meetings) Jensen - Possibility again dependant on Workington's status. Decent performer. Proctor - Now (as I understand it) we can again apply for Visa's would be a no-brainer. But as he's already stated that a return to Redcar would be 'a step back' can we really see it happening? David Howe - scores well at the STMP and has a high regard of 'Da Management'. Seems to have difficulty negotiating Scotch Corner though. Jason Doyle - Whatever happened to him? Used to ride the STMP brilliantly! I understand there may be some questions regarding fitness! Cheers Boothers
  10. Lewis Rose has only ridden Redcar twice. 8 rides for 9 (paid 12) including a heat win.
  11. And just in case you need it the time was 56.8
  12. If Redcar line up as above I am puzzled as I would have thought Dane Lasse Bjerre should be anywhere in Redcars team apart from at number 2 Why? Number 2 leaves him in 3 of the same races he would have been in when he was Number 1 and gives extra strength in heat 8.
  13. Bloody ridiculous - one little word - new - not even New with a capital letter. Riders have according to 16.2 either Established MA,s, Assessed MA,s or Amended MA,s. No reference to new or even New. Holub has an Assessed MA of 7 and shouldn't drop below 5. Will the last person left please turn the lights off when leaving.
  14. It has nothing to do with how many meetings he's had. Rule states (or used to!): 'No rider with an assessed MA can drop below a 5.00 average during the season' - there was something in there regarding the exclusion (obviously) of riders on an assessed 3 point average but I can't be bothered to look for the exact quote as there's a bit of an important football match pending here.
  15. Holub ended 2015 on an assessed 7.00 average (go check). This was not noted on the initial listings at the start of 2016, however it was corrected for issues 5, 6 & 7 for 2016. The last issue (#7) prior to the latest issue has him on an assessed 7 therefore he cannot drop to 3 unless rule has been rescinded.
  16. He was an assessed 7 when he came into the League, an assessed 7 when 2015 finished and an assessed 7 in issues 5, 6 & 7 of this years Match Averages. Even Stattos make mistakes you know Or maybe they've rescinded !
  17. No, but states: No rider with an assessed MA can drop below a 5.00 average during the season. (Think there's something in there that takes the 3.00 reserves out of the equation.) But basically if you have a 5 or 7 point assessed rider signed at the beginning of the season, you're stuck with him on a 5.00 whatever happens. Whether after he's done enough meetings to 'earn' a proper average but is still 'forced' to assume a 5.00 average I don't know if this is still considered to be 'assessed' meaning he can't be dropped or 'earned' meaning he can be replaced I honestly don't know. We shall wait and see!
  18. Rule 16.3.2 Riders with an assessed Match Average (other than assessed 3.00) cannot be removed from a team re-declaration.
  19. In team matches: Jorgensen 6.87 Alden 7.56 (before last night) The difference being matches ridden: 11-2 in Jorgensen's favour.
  20. Try being a Redcar fan, that's exactly what our promotion is saying
  21. I know. I was 'joking' just cant be bothered sticking those daft smiley things on my posts!
  22. Kozza Smith will be 'back' as we won't have to buy him new kevlars.
  23. 7 meetings at STMP for Berwick, scoring 46 points from 33 rides for 5.58 average.
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