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Everything posted by Boothers

  1. Good grief Erik Riss is a cracking signing! Bears coasted this to be honest.
  2. Weather in Thornaby (15 minute drive from the track?) is currently dull but not raining and hasn't rained for an hour or so. Pavements are dry but standing puddles from early morning rain. Threatening clouds around but still better than we were led to expect.
  3. Glad the Redcar v Sheffield match was rained off this week, would rather race against a team with Sedgmen/Kurtz than Proctor/R/R.
  4. Find that a bit harsh I'm afraid. Averaged over 4 (4.3?) from his first year in British speedway. Jordan Stewart only averaged 3.7 last year in similar circumstances but he's been flying this year. Think its a good signing for Glasgow (that should put the mokkers on him lol)
  5. Still listed as 5.46 in issue 22 issued on 23/07.
  6. They switched from R/R for Ellis to using Ty Proctor as a Guest, Ostergaard came in as a Guest for Aarnio (6.72??) and they switched to R/R to replace Morris. I THINK lol.
  7. Yep. And the team that scores the most league points should be the champions. As to the SON - awful advertisement for the sport.
  8. Birmingham named their side using R/R for Ellis and Etheridge as a Guest for Ash Morris but as Etheridge's average is higher than Morris' this was not allowed, forcing a quick rethink of the Birmingham team.
  9. No he hasn't. His average is too high to Guest for Ashley Morris as was the plan.
  10. Replace Rowe with Jack Smith earlier this season at Redcar. Ben taking his left hand off the 'bars and pointing to where he wanted Jack to go. Awful shame his baggage got too heavy for the club to continue carrying. He'll probably take our half a team to the cleaners tomorrow, but hey that's life.
  11. It's a quote from your Promotion when you signed him.
  12. "He is a rider who seems to be never given a chance or an extended run in a team"
  13. Apparently the river Tees has turned into blood and been inundated with frogs, when Aaron (Summers? on his last visit) stretched out his hand with the rod and struck the dust of the ground, lice came on men and animals, the track staff have been struck by boils, it's looking very dark at the moment etc. etc. Waiting on a miracle.
  14. So once again we get a team using r/r for a rider who's not ridden a match for them?
  15. ??? I have every score of his from last year in front of me at the moment and don't see how you can justify this statement.
  16. Whatever the cost you can't turn down the chance to sign a rider like Eric Riss. Until last night Ulrich was riding at a 4.5 level (much as he had at Birmingham) but really feel for him as an extended stay at the MPA would have benefited both him and the club. Kasper is a decent replacement for the injured Tom Bacon. If the official line that Jack asked to be replaced then changed his mind is correct then I'm sorry to see him go as he has done more than was asked of him at home. As for his replacement I think the signing of Riss meant basically putting the names of all unattached 2 pointers in a hat and drawing a name out. Wish Tom well.
  17. Best wishes to both riders, hope they're both fit soon. Congratulations to the Bears for keeping Leicester 'honest', under the circumstances I didn't expect that close a meeting. Shame the curfew hit when it did but that's life. We have a curfew at Redcar too, but apparently this can be extended by 30 minutes in exceptional circumstances. Sorry for the fans who missed out on Charles' last 2 rides (Heat 13 looked a cracker). Would have been interesting to have seen what would have happened in Heat 14 as IRR was needed for Broc and Nathan Greaves had already had 7 rides. Jordan's average means the one rider above him would be Tom who we were already riding Rider Replacement for, so who would be eligible for the ride? Could we have skipped a rider and gone to Ulrich or would we have been forced to use only one rider? I suspect I know the answer to that. The willingness of the Redcar team and promotion to continue the meeting and get as many races in before the curfew was commendable (a couple of 2 minute exclusions or tape breaking anyone?) and unfortunately cost us a point. I hope it restores their integrity after the ridiculous comments made about them after the Glasgow match in 2017.
  18. Thought these were mutually compatible requirements? LOL! Will add lots of smiley faces in case anyone thinks I'm having a dig or anything Sad to see Ben go, but obviously off track Ben weighed more than on track Ben. Ulrich fits the bill and I'll almost guarantee he ups his current Birmingham average back at the MPA. (And John, just to reiterate, that isn't a dig. Just too good to leave unmentioned). Honestly, Boothers
  19. Oh for crying out loud....at least a couple of people realised what was intended. I was on my phone at the time and it wouldn't let me put a smiley/emoji (or whatever they're called). It was a sarcastic/ironic/sardonic/satirical/derisive comment that was in no way meant to be taken seriously. In other words, a joke. Has everyone got that? I was not being serious. OK?
  20. Sorry, my attemp at irony backfired because I omitted a smiley face. Doh!
  21. And to think we allowed Jacob to sign for the Geordies only last week. Doh!
  22. Back to the Meeting itself. Congratulations to Charles on winning as I thought he rode well within himself, taking no chances and just concentrating on qualifying but still winning the meeting. Paul Starke rode brilliantly and barring his mechanical problem in Ht. 17 would have won the meeting, having already beaten Charles and countback being in operation (God help us with these moaners if run-offs had been required). Good to see Lewis Kerr's performance and as for Danny Ayres? been phenomenal round the MPA over the last 2 weeks - Scunthorpe are lucky to have him. And yes Phil it's windy at Redcar, especially on the 2nd bend, but was quite mild last night. Didn't even put my coat on until about Heat 16!
  23. Agreed. Fortunately (can I say that under the circumstances?) after his withdrawal from the meeting the exclusion was meaningless but would have hate to have thought this could have cost him a Final place. Awful decision.
  24. Can posters on here please stop criticising Redcar for the 'lack of a 2nd ambulance'. Firstly if the requirement to have a second ambulance was needed by the ruling bodies then Redcar would have provided one or we wouldn't have been given the meeting in the first place. Secondly can the critical posters tell us how many other British Semi final meetings - or indeed Finals - have actually had two ambulances in attendance? No? Probably because, fortunately, last nights circumstances have never arisen before. The only difference two ambulances would have made last night was that the meeting would have finished possibly 50 minutes earlier than it did. The major hold up being after the awful Heat 1 crash where riders were being medically attended to on track for perhaps 20 minutes. It was deemed then by the attendant paramedics that outside help was required and the 'county' ambulance (why is it called that?) was called for. I don't know what the critical posters think of our (marvellous) health services these days but ambulance staff/paramedics do not just dump patients off at hospital and I would suggest that said 2nd ambulance would not have been back at the stadium when the unfortunate spectator took ill. A First Response ambulance arrived within minutes and their specialist knowledge deemed that a seriously ill person required hospital treatment and another ambulance was called for. To criticise Redcar for any of this is beyond belief. The vast majority of the people stayed to the end (including the presentations) and although we grumbled what's the problem? The Redcar promotion team are enthusiastic and forward thinking and should be praised for the efforts they are making this year and not being shot at by petty minded jibes from outsiders. Oh and I also didn't appreciate a certain riders comment over the microphone under the circumstances.
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