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  1. Phil's certainly famous for 'closing doors' - it would take a lot to affect my view on his credibility.
  2. There was a terrific viewing system used by the Romans a couple of thousand years ago - TERRACING! Its a shame that it has not caught on in the West of Scotland. Seriously, I could not believe the setup the first time I saw I saw it. It is an embarrassment in an otherwise decent stadium and, in my view as poor, if not worse, than the stadium along the M8 for viewing - unless you are one of the few who get in early and do not move for the duration of the match. O.K. if the ambition is to race in front of a small crowd but useless with decent crowds - a real deterrent. The management admitted 'early doors' that they had made some mistakes which would be rectified - this should have been No. 1 on the list. I have always watched the second half of meetings from the back straight as I have a blether to friends who 'reside' there but would no longer stand there through choice. It would not be a massive job to reinstate the terracing but would cost a few bob and would need to be carried out in off season. It will not matter to people watching the big screen as the camera will be situated in a place that catches all of the action. Merry Christmas all.
  3. In fairness, we are not the worst at this. Edinburgh do it every time we go there - they, in turn complain bitterly that Somerset do it to them every time and so it goes on. That does not justify Glasgow doing it, however. All the Somerset riders have been around for a while (most ride in the Elite league also) and can handle most surfaces so it was always likely to backfire. The Glasgow riders have been scoring well on the track as it was and had their bike set ups to suit. Different conditions mean both teams are starting from scratch.
  4. Bates certainly comes across as an erratic character with a huge chip (maybe even a fish supper) on his shoulder. However, today he stooped to a new low and seriously affected his already tarnished reputation and that of the sport in general (at least it was not televised this time). I agree that adrenaline builds up during high speed skirmishes and handbags are often waved around, often to the delight of the crowd. However, unprovoked vicious attacks can attract police intervention, as our football friends have discovered in the past. Today we has a rider who has been struggling this season and rode like a d*ddy here a few weeks ago suddenly riding like a champion but losing control and behaving erratically and violently for no obvious reason. If I were a referee and had to choose a candidate for a random drugs test ............................... I don't know if he even received a fine. As far as the meeting was concerned, we did not have enough riders on form (or trapping) to look convincing. The track was obviously doctored which appeared to backfire on us. Even when the track settled down there was very little racing - first out of the gate was very hard to beat.
  5. Czech is a doodle - if you use Google Translate and do not really want to know what is said. Result is "So until then Divišovská factories in speedway motorcycles JAWA about a year ago came two likeable Poles, one said I Mirek Dudek and I buy from you spare parts for nearly all of Poland, and this is my friend Slavek Walczak, who, although a company on airplanes, but corner dušičky terribly cheers speedway. And we are looking for a partner for our maybe a little crazy idea - to return the old glory back to the speedway scénu.c Return to times of old matadors from the fifties and sixties, when he drove in two - three types of engines, the rider know how you have to tune the engine, which could put a rosette, but also necessary when deemed properly take and when little permit. Until after the start on the track is always something happening, which was during one round to see several overtaking each other many times when - as they say - drove his head and hands. I sort of forgot feet. Until engine components were not working at the limit of their technical capabilities and still have enough power to the beautiful plant. Do I want to add to the time when stadiums beautifully smelled burnt riciňák, roaring exhausts without shock and environmentalists did not mind, because not yet born. And no federation did not dictate who will be this year - excuse me back then - do exhausts, who deflectors - but they really were not at all - and perhaps one year will make brake lights, because a federation officer noticed that the bike has no brakes. I was talking. It all tenkrátbylo people do not care. And at that time on the speedway - Speedway - went hundreds of thousands of crowds. Remember thirties Strahov? A quarter of a million visitors! Well, I do not remember, but I would like to see it. 7Zkrátím it - a partner in Divišov found. I loved the idea factory to return to dvouventilu, reduce speed but increase the volume, it will get bigger and krouťák basically prohibit tuning. It is a step forward or back? Rider under him will have a powerful motorcycle, all the same conditions, and now show, matador! Ride more head than artificially dialed engine! Because the motor NSF, or 500+, or even pětsetsedmdesátka it needs. In Divisov they are convinced that this is a step forward. A step that stadiums will attract more riders, because the engines will have thanks to its parameters, inter alia substantially longer shelf life - estimated at up to three times a divišovští secretly hoping for even multiple of four. This is the once popular sport cheaper, fall Tuning, which now reach up to four times the price of the engine, but what was put there for this price natunit? Or is it rather a well-sold "tuzing"? Therefore, managers of factories to their new at that time, a friend from Poland added. A constructed from existing engines already mentioned pětsetsedmdesátku. Dvouventil. It was a long job. And there will be long. Need to reduce engine vibration. That helped today an important collaborator Mr. factories. Měkuta. Budějičák. Great guy and also very technically minded. As well as to lighten the engine as a whole because its components are less stressed. How to choose the other piston, which may also be more subtle. Perhaps instead of a pound will have just three quarters. Simply because it is a minute třinácttisíckrát moves in the cylinder, but only osmitisíkrát. And it is in the design of the motor damn difference. So should add that today my Divisov said that the first engine test runs between August 2014 and except for regular oil changes did not touch him. Bach said neseřizovali or valves! It sounds like a fairy tale, I'll follow along. Because, in my slumbers such a tiny seed of mistrust. We'll see over time! Slowly add the project to the English. And especially for all interested riders. The whole event was divišovští up trying to keep under wraps. Could not do it. It's outside. Meanwhile, these engines run at exhibitions. Income from them will pass on eventual treatment of injured athletes in the classic speedway. Finally, it is the intent of this new direction, he says New SpeedwayFoundation - New Foundation Speedway, as this would probably be translated, returning speedway stadiums, among people to start going to the grandstands, because everyone from this direction promise substantially greater experience in those four rounds between start and finish. Because people want to be entertained. No watch as the four horsemen ride in the same order all four wheels. From start to finish. And I'm starting to believe that the intent pětsetsedmdesátkám lead. It will need a little gift to pětašedesátinám ESA. So it was rumored after Divisov. What do you think? Write your review! Well, what I am going, editor, talk! In Divisov, August 2, 2015" Well - I tried! Obviously, i is not just people like me who would like to see the Formula 1 attitude of 'faster must be better - no matter the cost or the deterioration in spectacle. "4 riders on equal machinery with a well prepared track" - not too many parameters in that equation. Should be easy to implement, you would think. O.K. it may not bring back hundreds of thousands of spectators in today's era but it is a tried and tested formula which might just work - if the authorities ever decide to take their responsibilities seriously before rider costs and spectator boredom kill the sport off.
  6. Congratulations - I think that Clegg should settle in and add a point or so on his average. And, of course, Woebert will add another 2 points to his average, as always. Unless, of course, he fancies a move away, in which case he will be a useless useful reserve.
  7. "James Sarjeant jumps the start, more than any rider I've seen in the 30 years I've been watching speedway" - Is it really that long since Geordie Hunter moved south. A true master ever since his Meadowank days. I also recall riders like Briggo and other top riders of the day bitterly complaining that a colleague, one Ivan Mauger, was consistently anticipating the start back in 1968. Both of the above riders improved to be moderately successful riders. Both remained super fast gaters throughout their careers.
  8. If he's used to slick tracks, he will feel right at home at Ashfield - I just hope he can gate. I doubt, however that an ex motocrosser will enjoy slick tracks. Are you sure you had the right race link? Rider in white had passed red about 20 minutes (slight exxageration) before red became unsettled and dropped it. Inexperience - red did not expect the move and did not have a Plan B - he'll learn with a bit more racing. Who D Ayres wins???
  9. "perhaps the best ever to don a blue and gold race jacket" - not even close! Consider Jack Young, Bengt Jannson, Bernie Persson, Reidar Eide George Hunter, Sure, he might have kept Bill Landels out of the team, but he has a bit to go to catch the others. That is not to say that he will not achieve those standards - he just has a bit to go. I know how good the others were - as a 'Weegie', I felt the pain they inflicted (JY apart - he was before my time)
  10. At least give him credit for having the b***s and self belief to try. Sure it is a gamble but at least, if it does not work out, he won't spend the rest of his life wondering 'If only ...'. He has a long way to go to be regarded as GP standard but who would have thought that Zagar, Iversen, Kildermand, Batchelor Doyle etc.would make the grade, looking back to their early days in Britain. Too many riders 'step off the bus' when the going gets tough and settle for a comfortable life within their comfort zone.
  11. You're surely not suggesting that a Monarch's asset would shaft another employer and let down fans just to get his Edinburgh team place back - that would be morally reprehensible and unsporting. His British career would be finished, surely!
  12. I agree that Cookie will be a loss to the PL. He is a racer who is determined and ambitious. At PL level we like to think of ourselves as an autonomous league where we build teams and own riders. However, for riders who have the talent and determination to get to the top, PL is (and should remain) a necessary training ground and stepping stone towards their goal. We will probably see Craig (and similar riders) in the PL again in a few years, after they have 'peaked' and are on the way down (no-one stays at the top forever - well, except for The Californian!)
  13. Deluded .......... believing things that are not real or true You believe that a team with 4 heat leaders (3 current or recent no.1s) and a world longtrack champion pay only basic points money. You believe that having a home track which guarantees you 50 - 70 points per meeting has costs covered by gate receipts. Unless gates are way above those reported or witnessed, I am not the deluded one. However, there appears to be no crime in using sponsors money to purchase titles - Monarchs are not the first team to do it and it is quite possible that Glasgow may elect to do the same thing - my comment was that I hope that they do not - I doubt that they will ask my opinion. As I said, it is not really a sustainable position - only a deluded person would believe that it was.
  14. I certainly hope that the Facennas do not go down the Edinburgh route of trying to buy league titles, just because they can. O.K. Monarchs have been successful but have, reportedly, come close to financial ruin, trying to keep paying the wages. They have had some terrific sponsors over the years but with the sad loss of Brian Gray and the retirement of long time saviour, Ronnie Anderson, raising cash outwith the turnstiles is not getting any easier. I would prefer to build year on year to a solid team base and developing some young lads, possibly Scots (eventually, if they follow up with the training track). Winning trophies is a great feeling in any sport but it has to be sustainable. A moderate or mediocre season could chase away a lot of fans, further reducing income and increasing financial pressure on the club. I do not suggest that this only applies to Edinburgh. Glasgow struggled in 2012 and I cannot see businessmen like the Facennas continually pumping money in without return. In truth, both promotions have to concentrate on improving the quality of the product they are trying to sell. Monarchs have to significantly improve the viewing facilities and, if possible the general facilities in the stadium. OK, it was always assumed that they would only be there for a season or two so that was acceptable. However, after 18 seasons, someone is definitely ripping the proverbial out of the fans. Glasgow must concentrate on improving the racing room and surface on the track to enable proper racing. The product is advertised as 'speedway racing' implying that there will be lots of passing. True, there have been some meetings this season with great racing - just not enough of them! There is not a lot of scope to extend the track - but there is some scope. The banking helped but may be overdone providing one usable line One track with racing that cannot be viewed - another with good viewing but little worth seeing. Neither an ideal product to attract and keep new fans.
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