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  1. Chris Harris - SGP qualifiers? Jesus wept.
  2. Debbie Arneil perhaps? If so, that must be getting on for 30 years ago. Think her Dad was one of the major sponsors, possibly of Les Collins, back in the day.
  3. For all of speedway's (many) faults, the one constant positive is that throwing money at riders is no guarantee of success. Glasgow have proven that once again. There is no rule to say they are not allowed to do that, but a points limit of some sort remains vital to keep a relatively level playing field.
  4. Yes, i re-read the part of the report and see what you mean that the figure quoted was an increase from 2016. I am a bit detached from speedway these days, particularly at the top level, but I must have made the assumption that the new Belle Vue track was attracting bigger average crowds than it does. It seems really low to me, when the new stadium was supposed to be Belle Vue's saviour and seems to produce such good racing. Hopefully 2018 not dropped too badly despite the reports earlier in the year.
  5. Wow, not long into the new stadium's life and crowds were down to an average of 1400 in 2017. Judging by the noises made earlier this season that the fixed race night has not been good for Belle Vue then that figure would likely be lower for 2018. Desperate times.
  6. Now that Nicki has sadly departed the scene, the Monster clique will need somebody new to pick on. My bet would be Freddie Lindgren, a hard rider who can dish it out and take it back in return, a bit like Nicki. Any other suggestions?
  7. Just happened to be flicking between Sky news and BBC when I saw speedway and there was Tai. He came over very well, completely relaxed. The sports presenter (can't remember his name) clearly knew a bit about speedway but he was chatting away to all three presenters. Nice to have the big trophy there prominently in picture. And Monster will be happy with their exposure as well.
  8. But but but itza trick track ye ken and only they monarchs cheeturz can ride roon the place and it's no a real speedway track cuz ye dinny go fast likesy.
  9. There will be no more bouquets of flowers from the Facenna's for Chris Harris after that effort.
  10. Really have to check with Chris Harris how he wants to play this. Last week he wasn't too keen to travel north on a wet day due to a family birthday and a religious festival. I have no knowledge of birthday's in his family, but I do know that orthodox Christians consider this Friday to be Good Friday, so that could be a sticking point. Best play safe with an early call off I should think.
  11. Time for Chris Harris to get a 9-5 job by the looks of his whining on Twitter. Completely understand the desire to spend time with his newborn, but to make reference to his wife's birthday, and it being Easter is pathetic. Better check for any family milestones, next time it's a bit wet on a Friday.
  12. How much more elaborate could the Monarchs make their pricing structure for the 800 or so regulars. Seriously, is there a need for 4 different pricing structures for people who want to pay weekly? What is the point in the blue membership card, and the need for two levels of pre-payment and two levels of pay at the gate?
  13. Bang on, that's exactly what they have done, taken the ruling literally, without taking into account the very clear circumstances which could merit a successful appeal.
  14. Lucifer Rob always conveniently leaves out certain facts if they don't suit his line of argument at that point, he's done it for years and doesn't fool anyone.
  15. The committee is not a large group as I am sure you well know, however, if it is made public that Stewart Dickson voted in favour of the visa appeal being supported by the BSPA, I will be the first on here to apologise.
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