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brylcream boy

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Everything posted by brylcream boy

  1. I do not have the will to trawl thorough endless threads and to be honest all I really like doing is watching speedway without getting involved with the politics. What was cancelled to allow riders to ride in this meeting?
  2. Serous question because I do not have the will to read through pages of this thread, why are you so upset about this rearrangement.
  3. Sorry my bad, I did not realise you were not including Ulrich’s 4th ride or Worrall’s 2 bonus points.
  4. Steve Worrell, Aaron Summers, Jake Allen and Josh Auty.
  5. I have only been to EoES for big events, are there food outlets there?
  6. Until tonight, when one of the top 4/5 had an off night, the others were flying and we have coped with the injuries. Unfortunately tonight both guests were poor and R/R did not work out as it has previous weeks. Coupled with MPT and Tom Bacon both excellent, and Allen and Garrity both continually trying the outside and losing ground resulted in a home loss. Prior the long term injury problems Scunny fans were really confident of the play-offs so its pleasing we are really disappointed to have been beaten by a team, who if they can avoid injuries, will finish nearer the top than bottom. I am still confident when Scunny are at full strength we will wont lose at home and pick up points on the road. I am sure Rob will straight on the phone tomorrow sorting out 2 guests and normal service will resumed next week, although Lakeside are a top team.
  7. Charles Wright would be my choice, pick of the away riders so far at the EWR.
  8. Is it alright if I drop some shirts and a pair of trousers round?
  9. While you are looking for that, could you please do my ironing.
  10. SCB, when you were in a position to take advantage of a discount, did you refuse or take it.
  11. Like him or loathe him, Hans Anderson is a great supporter of this event. I know someone with more time on their hands than me will now delve into every Ben Fund meeting to prove me wrong, but he seems to attend more than most.
  12. Exactly the point I was trying to make, but you have nailed it. It is no good encouraging 18 - 25 year olds to come along and expect them to behave like us old farts. They like to have a beer or ten, bit of a sing song and a laugh. Most of the blokes who work for me are in this age group, and that just about sums out their nights out. It will take a massive mind set change for the majority of us to accept it is the way forward, but change is not always a bad thing. Unless they stand in my spot, obviously.
  13. However you dress it up, it is just not appealing to the younger generation. I would say the average age of most of the crowd is 50 to 65 years old, and when they became hooked there was no computer games, multiple television channels, Internet, etc. It was football, cricket and three tv channels. There is now so many things youngsters can do, most of them I have never heard of, I honestly do not know how you get them interested in going and retaining that interest. If there was big money to be made, someone like Barry Hearn would have made it the new darts. He has really turned that sport on its head, and all events sell out. I think most supporters are just glad if their team run next year, and hope to see decent racing every week..
  14. I do not know, that is why I put 'can get away' and not 'has got away'. Mind you, judging by this thread I am the only that did not hear a personal phone call between two people.
  15. He will probably think if Ged Rathbone can get away with trousering a wedge, Mr Godfrey has nothing to worry about.
  16. If anyone is travelling from the Lincoln area, the Scampton air show is on and there are diversions on the A15. Best give yourself a bit extra time.
  17. Weather forecast not looking to good. Showers followed by heavy rain and thunderstorms around 17.00. Will summer ever start?
  18. Having been to other tracks and heard some of the drivel their presenters come out with, I will take Rob all day long. He will always congratulate and credit the away riders if they do well.
  19. I usually lose the will to live after about page 2/3 of most threads as it always degenerates into personal attacks from the same old keyboard warriors, but as I follow Scunny I have stuck with this one. How can such a simple sport on paper turn into such a confusing mess that matches Formula 1 for complex rules is beyond me. I know 99.9% of people, Lewy is the exception as I know he secretly loves all things Scunny, couldn't care whether I go again or not, but rather than being a regular I think I will be quite selective in the future.
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