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brylcream boy

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Everything posted by brylcream boy

  1. Looking at the amount of Peterborough fans that have commented on this thread, I think there are a few closet fans on here that will travelling up the A1 next year if Peterborough fold.
  2. I am not sure where you were standing, but the Scunny riders walked around to the exit of bend 2 to about 20 of us and shook our hands and had a chat, Jason stopping longest and thanked us all for coming. Not sure I would blame the Peterborough promotion without knowing the full story. If it is the last ever meeting they hold, and I hope not, it would have been quite emotional in the pits and events happen that would not normally. I think will agree to disagree on this and leave it there.
  3. Thanks Gents, I will speak to the wife and she can tell me what I want for tea.
  4. Rather than pay show ground prices, if I come off the A1 is there a decent chippie not far away. Thanks for any advice.
  5. Although it is probably advantage Scunny, do Panther fans honestly believe you cannot pull it back at home. I don’t follow your riders, but I would like to think your 3 & 4 should score at least 8 or 9 at home.
  6. I might wrong about the score, but I guarantee I am right about the weather. It can be freezing there in the summer.
  7. Hope I am wrong, but with Peterborough’s guests and Palm Tree flying I can’t see a Scunny win. For any first timers, I recommend you wrap up well, Scunny will be freezing.
  8. Perphaps his bride should have bribed the promoter, we all know is his up for a bung.
  9. How dare you make a sensible post on this forum, you will be looking at a 14 or 28 day ban.
  10. Seeing as this is the Scunny v Worky thread, can anyone that actually went comment on the match please. I was unable to go, and no, it wasn’t Rob Godfrey’s fault I couldn’t make it.
  11. To allow either Workington or Peterborough to bring the new young riders in, did they not have to let other riders go. A serious question, as I do not follow either team.
  12. What a shock. Someone on the forum having a go at Rob while not knowing the rules themselves.
  13. The rules are far to complicated for me to understand, but why does someone have to use a guest? At Scunny last night there were none, the same at Edinburgh.
  14. How do you know what he can or can’t do? He may have something personal arranged you are not privy to. As previously mentioned no one apart from you really cares, and anyone who went tonight enjoyed some terrific racing. Personally I find it’s a case of “if something is bothering you, do something about it. If you can’t do anything about it, don’t let it bother you”. You are not to change the way speedway is run, so just enjoy it for what it is.
  15. Congratulations on your memory, I usually struggle to remember where I parked the car.
  16. Now I know how embarrassed pussycat supporters felt when they got beaten at home by Workington.
  17. Recent history will wonder why such an certain honourable promoter did not dismiss the offer of a bung straightaway, and when he got caught out did not take responsibility for his actions.
  18. That’s a shame, I was going to ask if he had ever taken a bung to allow a rider to ride elsewhere instead of his British team.
  19. Very disappointing performance from the team tonight. We should have scored at least 60.
  20. After tonight’s result, confidence must be sky high. Let’s hope the reserves can pitch in with 7/8 points between them, could make all the difference.
  21. I could not agree more, we all know Rob Godfrey wants what is best for British speedway, and the rest of the comments are just light hearted banter.
  22. I was not commenting about you in particular because although you frequently comment on Scunthorpe, I don’t know what you write on other threads. My point is I could go on every forum subject from Berwick to Wolverhampton and guarantee 75% of the comments will be moaning about anything from plastic spoons to stir their tea to their teams performance. I find the other 25% either informative or humorous. I am sure someone will moan about my moan, but I can live with that.
  23. It seems to me most posters on here worship the God of the bitter and twisted or attend the Church of Moaners, where the Communion wine glass is always half empty and never half full.
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