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Everything posted by Supersub

  1. Fingers crossed see you tomorrow!
  2. Steve I know you are on a wind up but be careful you might end up with egg on your face!!! Just enjoy what we have and hope its works out OK!
  3. Problem Steve is that track is absolutely saturated & more rain on it today & Tues Wed westher isnt exactly good drying weather
  4. Steve I reckon its a 50-50 chance. We had so much rain & aload more tomorrow & Tues am. Think we need sun & wind Tues pm & Wed. Hope to see you on Wed though
  5. Starman clearly doesnt read previous posts so why did he need to repeat what I had already posted!! No comment!!
  6. Gavan I sit with SS & for all his protestations, he is a pessimist when we actually have a match. Whether Wolves ride or not on Mon we should beat them comfortably.
  7. I agree Keith. The only way, IMO, that we can finish 6th is if wr have 3 KKs riding for us!!!
  8. I just looked at previous post. Steve must have misunderstood my post or I didnt make it clear to S Shovlar-I certainly meant last Mon 26th!!
  9. I thought that was what I originally said & Steve corrected me so just confusion by me-old age problem!!! Apologies
  10. Stalls are only used for flat & AW racing. Jump racing is a tape start with horeses walking in from a collection area. This is a polite explanation as opposed to a sharp sarcastic one
  11. With respect Steve You are wrong, 26th March was scheduled date for Poole at Wolves
  12. Raining cats and dogs here at the moment and the forecast is rain all day moving north. I cannot see that Somerset will be on and I’m amazed that they still have it as being on.. I presume Matt had to get the riders in from abroad but maybe not and he took a risk with the weather forecast
  13. All being well I’ll sort you out oo Wed!!!
  14. We were scheduledthere Steve but they postponed because of postponed P& p, please keep up!!!
  15. How are Woves riding agaist BV now on Mon and postponedmatch against us!!???
  16. What forecast are you looking at Steve, its raining from 0400 & the track is already sodden! Cant believe Somerset isnt off yet- lon long odds on it will be
  17. Amazed it hasnt been called off yet. XCW forecast heavy rain all day & evening- well over an inch!!!
  18. Wouldn’t be surprised if both matches called off lunchtime today. MF will save on flights
  19. Xcw forecast looking bad again, chances of meeting being on must be remote, probably ablout 10/1 chance!!!!
  20. That unusual for you Steve to be an optimist!!!
  21. Slightly better forecast now but with all the rain we have had & are to get, both meeting must be in doubt but fingers crosseed
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