Steve I reckon its a 50-50 chance. We had so much rain & aload more tomorrow & Tues am. Think we need sun & wind Tues pm & Wed. Hope to see you on Wed though
Gavan I sit with SS & for all his protestations, he is a pessimist when we actually have a match. Whether Wolves ride or not on Mon we should beat them comfortably.
Stalls are only used for flat & AW racing. Jump racing is a tape start with horeses walking in from a collection area. This is a polite explanation as opposed to a sharp sarcastic one
Raining cats and dogs here at the moment and the forecast is rain all day moving north. I cannot see that Somerset will be on and I’m amazed that they still have it as being on.. I presume Matt had to get the riders in from abroad but maybe not and he took a risk with the weather forecast
What forecast are you looking at Steve, its raining from 0400 & the track is already sodden! Cant believe Somerset isnt off yet- lon long odds on it will be