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Everything posted by Shadders

  1. Let's hope he's safer on the track than he is on the road
  2. Not surprised you'd want to talk about something else
  3. Wow! Amazing response from some Peterborough fans. From laughing stock at Rye House to hero at Peterborough. Raised his average and now some people want him dumped before the season starts!
  4. That could just be the damage done at the Pair of Aces post meeting party
  5. What's your definition of "proper banter?" They're sportsman, so they're fair game. Why should they be any different from footballers, cricketers, tennis players etc?
  6. You're barking up the wrong tree there pal. I've not been happy with our team for years. Have another go
  7. Check the end of season averages for a better picture.
  8. When I'm tweeting updates I just type in Graj and the entire name comes up. Same on here
  9. Pretty sure Ben Morley is a Rye House asset I thought Grajczonek was difficult enough
  10. Think we have our wires crossed. I was talking about you
  11. Last checked a couple of weeks ago, didn't seem any work had started front of house. Dunno about pits side though. I'll have a peek at the weekend
  12. The likes of Jenga would be laughing their socks off if Campton had signed for anyone else. He's rubbish, he's always been rubbish and he'll always be rubbish
  13. I'm glad we agree You're taller than me, you look!!Anyway, it's dark when I leave for work (4.45am) and dark when I get home (7pm)
  14. First time I've ever seen Fozzie described as sensible
  15. Having been a regular visitor over the years following my team I've noticed crowds at the OTA look have been down recently. Every team has to work to a budget and Somerset are no different. They are taking a risk with these untried three, whereas some sides (mine included) have gone with the same old faces. Whether it works or not, who knows?
  16. That's a shocker. Very unlike any Somerset team I've seen in recent years Like you, I don't think we look too bad now!
  17. Sometimes before the season has even started But not with that line up
  18. Blobby post, or the Somerset line up?
  19. A serious point (unlike the previous posters purile attempt to bump up the thread to the top) Will we have priority over Lakeside for the services of Edward Kennett? After all, he is a Rye House asset. I wasn't happy with the "arrangement" with the Hammers last season.
  20. Pretty sure Mr Barrie will attempt to stoke the dwindling flames for the amusement of a few of the local thick heads with longer memories and less intelligence than the more sensible Berwick folk.
  21. I was there in 2012 when he returned with the Rockets. The reception he received was rather feisty to say the least, especially after he reeled off 3 straight wins
  22. Ahhhhh, that's sweet. Slipped way down the list and you wanted it brought back to the top.
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