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Everything posted by Shadders

  1. Really hope you're right. Unlike some of our Glaswegian football friends I don't want to see any club go to the wall.
  2. Anyone who chose to miss this meeting to stay in and watch X Factor needs a slap. What sane person would give up the opportunity to see Barker, Doyle, Mellgren and Lykke in action? To top a marvellous evenings entertainment we had an epic heat 15 with three riders all going for it. Brilliant stuff! According to the Rye website Jason Garrity was suffering from clutch problems, which may explain his below par performance. He was certainly giving it 100%, it just wasn't happening. Always a pleasure to welcome Jason Doyle to Rye House and in Kasper Lykke it looks like we have a future superstar on our hands IF he can learn to gate!
  3. Cheers Paulco and Paulco's daughter for showing him how to set it up! Updates are now available http://speedwayupdates.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=Rye&action=display&thread=10623
  4. Smug git!! No updater as yet. If nobody comes forward i'll put heat by heat details up on my twitter page @shadders5
  5. Funny that, I'm of the same opinion. I may not be the tallest, but watching from the first bend all I can see are tbe riders helmets as they race around the first and second turns
  6. Another reason why I'll be making my Plymouth debut in September
  7. Ken, do you have a link for the website please. The link I tried sends to a T2TV website that hasn't been updated since 2008!!
  8. It'd be madness if he wasn't... I know it's gonna sound like sour grapes and honestly it's not, but could you really see Simon being an improvement on Ritchie Hawkins?
  9. That's the recommended rate... Doesn't the NL have a flat rate, or have has that changed? Simon has kept his word and chosen to stay with Stoke. Good luck to him.
  10. Nah! Isn't that the going rate in the National League?
  11. What, that he's happy to earn a tenner a point at Stoke (plus 10p a mile travel cost) or fill his boots in the Premier League?
  12. I couldn't give a toss what he does, where he does it, or who he does it with. I would like to know why we've been strung along all season. Oh and WHB, I've Tweeted Nelson a couple of time and received no reply.
  13. Time for the Rye House promotion to come clean as to the real reason why Nelson is still in Australia.
  14. No doubt about that. A terrible own goal by the Rye House promotion. Simon possibly had the thought in the back of his mind that Rye House could've ditched him within a month If he didn't score and preferred the easier rides in the National League. Strange that Adam Roynon can still ride in 3 different leagues whilst scoring a hatfull of points in all... You gotta love the BSPA
  15. Let me get this straight. Simon is happy to earn a tenner a point at Stoke when he could be filling his boots in the Premier League? I'm amazed that the Stoke management didn't release Simon to have another shot at the PL, rather than stagnate in the third division... Unbelievable!
  16. How did Simons average drop by 0.03 during the month of July when he rode his last meeting for Leicester on 30th June? I had to think hard about where he had been this year, so you're not alone. He's never struck me as a Rye House sort of signing. I'm willing to stick my neck out and say he'll not be around to see October. More in the Jason King/Ray Morton/Robbie Kessler mould than a long term prospect.
  17. He had 17 official meetings for Leicester, one of them at Rye House where he scored 6 points. The BSPA greensheets for the end of June, when he left Leicester, show him on an average of 5.22; Ritchies current average is shown as 5.38
  18. Could Simon be used as a guest on Saturday as we already have rr for Luke Bowen?
  19. Both Saturday tracks, so would assume so
  20. My wish has been granted http://www.ryehouse.co/post/2012/08/15/Doyle-Named-as-Saturday-Guest.aspx
  21. SCB seems to have given up with the stats site. Perhaps Ritchie just wanted a break, so a mutual decision was reached. I'm sure he'll have no trouble finding another club, especially on that average. I always thought of Simon as a big track specialist.
  22. Full of promise, but failed to deliver. Ritchie would frustrate the hell out of you. I'd travel to watch the Rockets at places like Somerset and Berwick, two of Ritchie's ex tracks, hoping to see him rack up the points, but often it looked like he'd never seen the place. He'd have the odd decent race, but they were few and far between. You could see him putting the effort in on Monday night, but it just wasn't happening. I wonder if he'll take a break, or look for a new team? Berwick had vacancies, but I hear they've been filled.
  23. Simon doesn't have a brother, although they hail from roughly the same area.
  24. Having a fit Luke Bowen on the sidelines would put some pressure on any of the lower end to keep the pace up or be replaced, which isn't a bad thing.
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