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Everything posted by Shadders

  1. Stick it in the suggestion box, or better still just stick it!
  2. It's a vicious circle Hodgie. Build a team cheaply and crowds will be low, sign a couple of top marque riders and they will return but ONLY if the club is properly promoted. By that I mean a total rethink of admission prices. Family tickets, a proper bar, efforts made to get stay away fans to return, a total revamp of the tired looking programme and a rethink of the match day presentation. Maybe a suggestion box by the turnstiles to see what the people really want. This winter is a marvellous opportunity to drag Rye House Speedway out of the doldrums. Let's hope it's not wasted.
  3. Underplaying your chances. I ain't buying it
  4. I wasn't 100% sure. Thought you may be a schizophrenic
  5. Personally I'd welcome him back, but would prefer to see Jason Doyle
  6. Plymouth is the only current Premier League track I've yet to visit, so it'd be foolish for me to pass up an opportunity to pay a visit.
  7. Depends if my dad is still in hospital. How about you Richard?
  8. Nobody wants this meeting. Most Rye fan I've spoken to can't wait for the season to end. Looks like we've seen the last of Gjedde in a Rye House jacket. I had the proper Rye website bookmarked, but now it takes me to the inferior Mercury website.
  9. I know Drac, we're practically brothers in law. He's called me much worse believe me. He once accused me of being a Bandits fan FFS!!!
  10. Can't see where that's occurred. How about calling someone a c*nt on Twitter & Facebook... Does that count?
  11. Poor old Len would have a heart attack if he saw that line up ££££££££££££££££££ Auty turned the Rockets down this year because the package wasn't to his liking. I doubt he'll lower his demands for next year!
  12. Grieves for Gjedde, Sarjeant for Garrity... Any Rockets fans care any more?
  13. Overreaction of the highest order. To get wound up that easy you must have been wound up already. Trouble at home written all over that post.
  14. There are still people who haven't seen it yet and may want to comment.. Don't be a fascist
  15. To be fair, I can't see anywhere in your original post where you've mentioned that. I offered my services, but received no reply
  16. Beats me how riders like Jakobson keep getting team places. Never been better than a reserve and seemingly going backwards.
  17. I'm afraid the Rockets number 1 fan and Ronnie Russell's spokesman Mr McCatheter has retired from speedway, not that anyone had seen him at any Rye House meeting for a number of years. He must have been in disguise! Name a PL club that has had year on year success. Every club goes through peaks and troughs. Crowds were topping 1,000 five years ago, now they've more than halved. Can't all be down to the recession
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