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Everything posted by Shadders

  1. If that side doesn't get the punters back, then nothing will. I doubt we'll see Charlie again. Ricky Kling was dropping big hints on Twitter about joining the Rockets, but you have to be careful with social media, as I've recently discovered! It'll be strange to see a majority foreign Rye House side after years of watching an almost fully British line up.
  2. We abandoned that by mutual consent as one by one the riders we chose were lost to injury.
  3. No regrets Bolly. Pretty cheesed off and I'm not the only one. B4e moaning about Bunyans bike and having it examined because he was too quick I'm told there was a healthy crowd there tonight despite the poor weather, which is good news I'm currently on the early stages of a head cold, so perhaps sitting about in the cold rain for a couple of hours a few days before flying out on holiday wouldn't have helped Oh, you can forget about Doolan. My connections tell me he doesn't fancy the travelling although he loves the track and set up.
  4. I take no pride in Rye House winning this trophy. To finish second bottom and walk away with a prize is just plain ridiculous! Let's hope common sense prevails and this worthless fixture filler is consigned to the history books and quickly forgotten.
  5. Berwick are a friendly club. I'm always made welcome when I'm up. Interesting goings on at Rye
  6. Some of them have been trying to get me in Bandits colours for years
  7. I like McFlurrys, but I don't go around dressed as Ronald McDonald
  8. Great news, but no surprise I still can't believe you were happy to be photographed in, let alone wear another sides colours, drunk or not. I'd rather put my testicles through a mincer than wear any other sides colours but my own!!
  9. If you believe the BBC weather forecast (they're usually right) light rain from 5pm onwards. Silver says he'll run the meeting despite the rain. Be prepared for lots of falls, retirements and slow race times. The weather suits Berwick as they'll only need 12 heats to complete the meeting before they call it a day.
  10. We've had a couple of these at Rye House and they are indeed great occasions. You definitely get a feeling you've arrived. I hope the people of Berwick come out and support this in great numbers.
  11. You obviously don't get around much... When was the last time you saw a meeting there?
  12. Berwick have been awarded one of the World U21 rounds, taking place on August 10th
  13. We've been awful for the majority of the season. Loads of injuries haven't helped and the mix of the team just aint right... I reckon the Bandits have done enough tonight, although it could be close. I'm glad the season is over and certainly won't be venturing over to Hoddsdon tomorrow for the second leg of this trumped up fixture filler. I feel for the Bandits fans having to watch that dire gate and go stuff in sub zero temperatures.
  14. I had a memorable first visit to Plymouth speedway recently. I'd hate to think it could be the last.
  15. Updates http://speedwayupdates.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=Berwick&thread=11098&page=1
  16. Just looked at the forecast and you're spot on. Steady rain all day. I hope Len Silvor (deliberate misspelling) kept the receipt for those fireworks
  17. Disappointed, but not surprised. The local rag wouldn't want to embarrass the old boy by showing him up as a bumbling old fool at best, or a liar at worst. Rye House are probably the biggest attraction in the papers circulation area, so they've gotta keep him sweet to gain access for interviews etc.. All of your other points and observations are pretty much spot on Ben
  18. Ahhh, so not the Arsenal legend Nelson Vivas... I'd lost interest in that post before I'd reached mention of that
  19. Doesn't stop anyone from posting their thoughts on the meeting. If anyone was really interested we'd be up to 50 pages by now. The truth is this is just a fixture filler for those sides who have failed. Rye House finished second from bottom of the league. Yes, second bottom, saved from the wooden spoon in the last week. Can't believe how seriously some people are taking this piece of "silverware", almost exclusively Berwick fans I notice. I'll be stunned if this competition is still on the fixture list in 2013.
  20. The blokes a fraud. Inherited a great defence in 1998 and had the pick of the best ever French squad. Players like Henry, Viera, Petit, Pires all fell in his lap, not forgetting one of the worlds best ever footballers, Dennis Bergkamp, who was signed by Bruce Rioch. No trophy since 2005 and not looking like winning anything next year. I've just heard he's on £145K a week! That is astounding. Vivas?
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